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  1. Broke no contact, gonna have to start back from the top. The reason for it was to not end contact speaking ill of the person she moved on to, to explain why I was speaking ill, and to ask that she continue making decisions and encourage her growth for herself. I explained that I understood I realized I wasn't respecting her space by speaking ill of others and of her own decisions, and because of that it wasn't a respectful choice. I also mentioned how I felt our relationship wasn't really respected as a result of what happened with the person she moved on to. I finished by saying I am still not gonna contact her, I ask that she not give me hints of whether she is still with the guy (she left it somewhat ambiguous last she spoke to me), and that if she aims to contact me as friends I strongly recommend she doesn't. How do I feel? Pretty much the same, which isn't bad. I have a tendency to always forget something (even when leaving the house or taking an exam) so this isn't new to me that I forgot to mention one thing last I broke NC, I am not necessarily proud of always being forgetful of the "one last thing"s. But that's a whole different issue that isn't even relevant to the breakup or how I feel about relationships.
  2. Day 4-ish (I didn't post here earlier because I was a lurker until recently) Went through a pretty serious low today, but I pulled out of it surprisingly faster than any other low I've felt. I wonder if I can get past the feeling of wanting to contact her in the future. The relationship ended over extremely little things we both understood we could work on, and chose to work on. But I guess things got complicated when a third person came in and fudged the picture. I wish he didn't, but what can I do? I have this summer to do me, and once August hits I'll be smooth sailing in keeping busy with lots of friends and trips. I just gotta last through July.
  3. "Here's hoping down the line when I meet you, you're not still in denial of how much this guy "Loves you" when he doesn't/hasn't respect/ed your space."
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