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Everything posted by rollthedice

  1. thanks bear well spider man, that was very blunt, but a real good point. thanks alot guys. i guess only time can tell now. i guess i just kept asking becausei had to know for sure. but i still don't, i have just made things worse. if anyone has any more suggestions or advice please feel free to keep dropping by
  2. i think i have overcrowded her though. i kept asking about the two of them getting together, and let my jealosy show. this has made thigns worse and now we are getting snippy at each other. how can i make thing better? i don't want to just take off now and leave her feeling irrated with me. should i just be her friend now and try to patch things up before giving her some space?
  3. First i'd just like to say hi to everyone as i am new here, i just found this site and it great to see a big community for people to get help with their problems. so, here's mine. I have been dating a girl for almost a year. we met through a friend and we both fell pretty hard for each other. for ages we got along great and had a very satisfying relationship. we could talk about anything and were very open and comfortable. Latley i have been feeling insecure about all her male friends at her school, and i have questioned her a few times about their intentions. She would re-assure me that they were just friends, because she did always feel more comfortable around guys. i just always had a bad feeling about it though. the last few weeks have been less than ideal because we both started working more, and we are blarely able to spend time together. then one night out of the blue she tells me that she wants a break because she is not ready for a relationship with our level of commitment yet (even though every day before that she swore she'd be mine forever). but now my biggest fears are coming true, and a guy she hangs around with at school has started hanging around her all the time. it just seems so early, only a few days after our break she was spending time with him, and all this week. i don't know what to do. she just wants to be best friends now. because we were soooo close before she just wants the friendship we shared before without feeling tied down to me. but it's ery hard for me to talk to her because she always metions that they are hanging out that night etc. I still love her, and she sais she loves me, but she is still very confused on what she wants... what should i do?
  4. you're name better not be chris. anyway, but i'd give her time. if she was serious about her boyfriend she might need or just want some time to be herself. this may be the time she just needs a friend the most.
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