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I just fought with my parents about my trip to Vegas with my boyfriend who is 6 years older than me. I love him to pieces. This is the hardest decision that I have ever had to make. They dont want me to grow up I swear. Im packing for an overnight ski trip with a couple of friends and I am really thinking about taking enough clothing to have for a few days. I really really want to get the hell out of this house. They make me mad, Ill always be there little girl but this is going over board. Im almost 20 I a good head on my shoulders and I have goals set no boy is going to ruin that for me yet they still dont want to accept the fact that I love him and I want to be with him and I want to go to Vegas with him to get away from here (work and school) for 3 days..... Help what should I do? Should I move in with the boyfriend? We are both ready for it I just hate my family not accepting me growing up.!

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It sounds like your parents are afraid of letting go. a few more details on your relationship with your parents would be helpful. i.e. open? not-so-open?

Have you brought up how u feel about ur parents with them? if not, this may be the first step to take.

Opening up discussion should allow for you to state firmly that u are ready for a serious relationship. It would probably be good to talk to your parents about it being just a 3 nite trip, not you eloping or anything. parents sometimes tend to jump to the worst possible conclusion.

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1. If you have a good head on your shoulders, then you probably know what's best for you regarding this guy (who, by the way is not that much older than you are). If I were you, I would go to Vegas. Not to "rebel", but because at 19 years old, you should be able to make certain decisions like this for yourself. Trust me - they'll get over it.


2. Don't move out with your boyfriend because you want to escape your parents. If that's what you feel you need to do, find some other way to do it. Although I understand that you're in love, living away from home for the first time is tough - and can sometimes backfire.


Your parents obviously do not trust this guy for some reason. If they see that you a smart, devoted young lady, then this guy may actually pose some problems regarding your goals. It is probably the last thing they want, seeing you sidetrack your life goals for a guy. To you, he is a great person with whom you share a lot of good times. To your parents, he is probably some young jerk who wants to take you away from them and run you off the course you've made for yourself in life (and the course they've helped you to create).


Having overbearing parents is very tough, but the important thing to remember here is that their main concern is you. If you feel as if they are treating you like a child, then they probably still see you as one. Something to consider; speak to them as an adult, try to validate their feelings and understand their points of view. Some parents will always see you as "their little girl" and not leave you much space to breathe, but would it hurt to try talking to them on their own level? Saying something like, "I really appreciate all you have done for me, and I can understand how you feel - BUT - I would also really appreciate it if I was heard and that you tried understanding how I feel".

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