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journeynow last won the day on July 19 2020

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  1. Phew, I'm grateful I remembered how to log in, found this old journal, got some assistance, and eventually overcame my confusion and figured out how to post with this newer site. Big success for the day. It's late now, though, time to bring in wood for the fire and head to bed. First, I'm grateful for the roof over my head, heat for the night, breath, every thing is ok at the moment. Grateful to my younger self who made choices that have brought me happiness. Yeah, Life.
  2. Grateful for ENA And for two working eyes. Sometimes I have to wear a patch on one, and boy I miss binocular vision chopping vegetables for dinner.
  3. I've been thinking about you, Bolt and glad to see your update. I hope your symptoms continue to improve. Please allow yourself to take it easy. Hang in there!
  4. Bolt, how are you feeling? I hope you and your brother and nephew recover quickly and have an easy time with it. Sending healing thoughts your way!
  5. It's eye opening how friends and family will listen to some restrictions, practice them, condemn others for not doing so, but reject other restrictions vehemently. All the while infections numbers and deaths are surging. I look forward to when this pandemic will all be a distant memory. My parents, now gone, occasionally mentioned living through summers of polio outbreaks and the precautions and worry. It would have been interesting to hear my grandparents' experiences of the 1918 pandemic.
  6. This is what I needed to read today! Thanks for that.
  7. Yes! He lives in a world of awe and delight and curiosity, and it's possible to join him there for a bit of time.
  8. Grateful for my sweet amazing fun happy engaging delightful grandson. Love's everything and everybody and is so full of joy and curiosity.
  9. I am grateful x 3 for the woods around me, the sweet magical woods. It soothes my soul and lifts my spirits; it energizes and relaxes. Sending its healing vibes out to the world and whoever needs its goodness.
  10. Love you pippy! Your bright light makes everything better.
  11. starry night, treetop breezes, fireflies, falling stars, peace
  12. Thank you, friends, for your kind words. These past months when things shut down I've felt so lucky to have him with me, he's been my constant companion, and a great one. ❤️ My state has had a couple of good days with only 1 new case. The tourists have started coming into the state, so we'll see if that has any effect on the numbers. I feel for everyone, even (sometimes) the ones rebelling against the new requirements and rules, it's not an easy time to be human.
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