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MissCanuck last won the day on April 22

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  1. No, she doesn't love you. This is absolutely not what love looks like. You didn't deserve to be treated this way. It's time to let her go and never look back.
  2. I don't get why you feel you would be giving up on her. There doesn't appear to have been a chance to begin with. No, not when it would be inapprorpriate to share these feelings with someone already in a relationship. So why did you ask for advice if you're going to proceed anyway?
  3. Good that you followed your instinct on this one. It wasn't going anywhere.
  4. I wouldn't bother with this girl. She is too flakey and showing you she isn't that interested.
  5. I had a feeling there was some missing context to the original post. My guess is that your fear is that he is not over her. Is that about accurate?
  6. More than anything, it would be uncomfortable and likely wouldn't get you anywhere. She is with someone else and it appears that she values you but only as a friend. Please don't put her on the spot like this. Nobody can predict the future anyway and it's just not realistic to hang on to hope for longer and set your expectations on something that is purely hypothetical. Giving up on what, exactly? She isn't asking you for a chance. She hasn't asked you to wait until she is single. My point is that there is nothing for you to give up on. You need to reframe that line of thinking, because it's not reflective of the reality of your situation. It's time you work on letting go rather than nurturing this years-long crush and making things awkward between you.
  7. Meh, she just sounds like any other Youtuber who likes the sound of her own voice.
  8. Believe me when I say she already knows you like her. You have asked her out several times, so there is no need to tell her directly. Unfortunately, she seems to have a had a change of heart. I would stop asking her out and work on finding a woman who reciprocates your interest. There is just nothing here to work with.
  9. Well, that's because it likely is upsettting. Who would want to rehash the details of a failed marriage and the revisit the memories of an ex's infidelities? I am not sure why you would expect a different reaction, especially if this is something you have repeatedly prodded him about it. It is unplesant to talk about something that hurt us, which I am sure you can understand. Really? Just because there's a grey area around when he actually feels his previous marriage ended? That's quite a stretch. Are you looking for a reason to leave this marriage?
  10. What is the point of this? Stop looking for reasons to hang on or see him again. A phone call to end it is sufficient at this point.
  11. Nah, and no. He very obviously lied about where he was going and why. Clearly, there was no business trip to Scotland. Unless "Scotland" is the new name for "my ex's house." It would be foolish to trust him. He's also apparently quite manipulative. Run. Fast and far.
  12. Nope, I wouldn't go to their family events anymore. And I wouldn't care if they didn't like it. Tough,
  13. In what universe does one need "scientific proof of deceit" to end a relationship with a person they know is dishonest? I would have dumped him already. He's on an escort site? Ew. No. Please get rid of this guy and get yourself full STI/HIV panel of tests. My guess is that gaming was not the only thing he was up to on his last trip. Be done here. A man who's shopping around for sex with other women is bad news.
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