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why do some people jokes around being gay??

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im just very curious in this question because im a bi myself. i know some people who jokes around being gay, mainly girls. they would go around saying they're a lesbian etc. even more sad, they would go up to gay ppls and tell them also. i mean why do you want to do that, it'll only make you look stupid! are they "trying" to tell peeps around them that they're gay by doing that way or just making fun of gay peeps? i think they're just making an ass out of themselves. please answer.

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i personally am not gay, for the record. but people who are not gay dont get it. i have a few bi friends, and they try to explain it to me. people who aren't gay or bi, think its not natural, that guys are for girls, and girls for guys, but its not always like that. i think that people should try harder to be more tolerant.

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Sometimes you will find that when people joke around they might actually have some seriousness. So my answer to you is that they could actually have homosexual tendencies and have not come to the realization yet. I'm not going to say that everyone that supposedly pretends to be gay is gay or will become gay, but I have known people from high-school and juniour-high that appeared innocently to be joking around being gay when they were younger and actually turned that way when they were older. Sorry to burst your bubble about this, but don't join in if it happens is all I have to say.

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