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Overnight acne busters

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Help I have a really important meeting to go to tomorrow, but I have this huge pimple in a very noticeable spot that started yesterday and blew up like a balloon today..


Does anyone know of anything I can put on my face tonight, or an overnight treatment, that will reduce it by tomorrow?? I'm desperate

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Mix baking soda with witch hazel. Mix it until it's a paste, apply, and let it dry.

This can get rid of any pimple in two days time, so it will definitely reduce it overnight.


lol you can't be serious


go to cvs/rite aid and pick up Clearisil Acne Treatment Cream - there is a tinted version if you have brown skin. it does a decent job of covering up the pimple. It's like make up cream but it actually has benzoyl in it

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First I did the ice cube thing.. then I applied benzoyl, left it on, and then after about 6ish hours, washed my face and reapplied it.. but it made the skin really red on my cheek after the 2nd application. I had another smallish pimple though, and it dried it out without making the skin red.


Even the bigger cheek pimple is smaller than it was before now.. so that's cool!!

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Hey, cool.


There´s also this other product from LaRochePosay, called "Effaclar AI, Targeted Break Out Corrector"


Apply it on the pimple in the first second you feel it growing under your skin, and re apply when the first doze vanishes, it really works, and also prevents scarring.


Good luck!

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