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Locating absent parent place of employment


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Does anyone know how an absent parent is located. Especially through ssn? Does this take months or is the information very accessible. I'm trying to locate my ex's place of employment.


Is there anything I can do to expedite this process?

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Well, I have had to track down my husband's ex in the past year.


Long story short - she quit paying on the house they bought together when they were married. He's still on the mortgage/deed because he did not have a lawyer when they got divorced. She moved out of state and "disappeared."


I tracked her down using Google and one of those People Search websites. (I think it was Intellius, but it was a few months ago.)


Basically, the bank was bugging my husband for the money since they could find him. While you'd assume a bank would have the resources to track people down, they didn't seem too eager/interested in finding his ex because they found us. My husband just got all pissed off at his ex for being irresponsible. I was pretty annoyed too, but instead of getting all flustered, I started thinking about what I could do. So, I started lookin' for her online.


So I found her using just the information that's available online....starting with a name search through Google. We paid about $40 for a basic report from Intellius which gave an address history, so we were able to confirm it was, in fact her.


If you're in the US, do you know what state your ex might be living in? Do you know what state your ex was living in last? That can help you narrow down your search immensely. What type of work does your ex do? Are we talking someone who's likely to be sticking with one particular field or type of job or someone who may be doing whatever work they can find?


My husband's ex has a common enough name. Even so, we were able to track her down and get a work address/phone for her in a matter of days...which the bank (and our lawyer) used to contact her.

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I know the State that he lives in and his correct address and telephone number.. I just need to verify his employment so that i can contact the courts and have a wage assignment amended. He would stick to the same work he did before. I'm trying to do as much leg work as possible to get his place of employment. He is in arrears for child support. I have his SSN, date of birth, last place of employment.

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So, you know where he worked last.


Any chance you could call there and try to get someone's sympathy? See if they could tell you where he went?


We got a home address for my husband's ex, but it was outdated. Because of the situation with the house, we were nearly 100% sure she was renting. I thought her former landlord might know where she moved to (I mean, there's probably a security deposit to return, right?). So I called the property records office of the city the address was in and got some clerk on the phone. I asked her if she had a couple minutes and explained my situation and asked if she could tell me who owned the property and how to get ahold of that person.


If you're polite and ask nicely and you get a nice/sympathetic person on the phone (I hit the jackpot with this particular clerk...so I told her way more than was necessary so she'd be on "my side"), you might be able to get a few pieces of info that will help you. In my case, the clerk not only told me who owned the property, but it was someone she personally knew (gotta love small towns), so she gave me his work #, his home # and his son's phone #, too. Like I said, I hit the jackpot.


Anyway, if you can pull off the "aw, shucks, I know you don't have to help me but I'm really in a bind here and I have no where else to go so I'm really at your mercy because my kids are going without" card, don't be afraid to play it.


Both your ex and my husband's ex have to know they have this financial responsibility and they're intentionally doing things to duck out of it. thereforeeee, I felt totally justified using whatever (legal) tools I could use to track her down and force her to deal with what really is her responsibility...even if it meant sounding like I was going to cry in order to manipulate a clerk in the property tax office of some city I've never set foot in.


Good Luck to you.

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