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Very Confused


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I am interested in this guy who works at my nephews daycare. My son also used to attend. I wasn't completely convinced that he was interested back but there were some signs that he may have been. I decided to stop taking my nephew to and from daycare because I moved and it was kinda out of my way. So my sister has been taking him. The last day I took him I gave him a letter expressing my feelings but stating that I did not expect him to feel the same or for him to respond. My sisters ex dropped my nephew off one day and asked him why he didnt respond - which I did not appreciate. He said he definitely didn't have a problem with me but that there was a policy that there could be no contact - friendly or whatever - outside of the daycare with clients of the daycare. I don't know what to think about his response to my sisters ex. Someone Please Help!!! ](*,)

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Well, if there is a policy stating he cannot have relationships with clients of the daycare, then there's your answer. You're right he may have been interested but if he is unable to "try" anything due to his job restrictions, then that's just the way it is.

Maybe it's a good thing you aren't taking your nephew to daycare anymore because you won't have to face him??

Go out, meet new people and find someone else who is able to reciprocate your feelings!

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I guess what I'm asking here is was I wrong in thinking he might be interested. A few of my friends have said if he was really interested me he wouldnt care about policies. So now I'm just confused about the signs I was getting. I'm kinda second guessing my gut feeling. I'm not sure if I would even be able to tell if someone is interested in me or not.

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You'll never fully know if he was giving you "signs" or whatever because he is unable to act on them. As for not caring about the policies, I disagree. Some people value their career over "potential" relationships. I mean, you don't even know this guy and he is supposed to give up everything to flirt back with you? I respect his decision, as you should, and move on. He is unavailable to you. Find someone who is.


Trust your gut. In my experience it has always been right. I'm sure you'll be able to tell if someone is interested in you. You just have to be open and willing for someone to do so.

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Mystery Girl,


Don't worry about this at all. And don't go banging your head into a brick wall!?!? This situation is ideally not good for the both of you, nothing to feel uncomfortable about, if you happen to see him at the Day Care. If you do happen to see him, just be friendly and professional, smile and say HI, than move along with your buissness. You will be fine hon....Trust me

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What's with everyone [or so it seems ] using letters to show someone that they are interested in them?Sorry but from what you described it sounds like he just isn't interested.I never heard of that kind of policy in which you can't date one of the clients of a daycare facility.I would just move on and forget about him.

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