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Moral problems

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I've fallen for a friend of mine. Ive known her for about a year now and all i reilly think about i her. I know she feels the same for me (she's said as much) but she has a boyfriend and she doesnt want to leave him, yet she wants me to sleep with her.

I dont think it's right as she has a boyfriend and after id know she's be going back to him and i'd get myself down

Am i being too moral !? or do i have the right idea ?!

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No I don't think that you are too moral whatsoever. I think you seem to be a very mature young man. What I think you should do, is discuss this with this girl and just explain that personally this is not how you work. When you sleep with someone you expect them to not be involved with another person.


What you should be asking yourself now is if you should go out with this girl, would she do something similar to you? If she has no problems sleeping with other men whilst she is in a relationship what is there to stop her from doing the same if she were with you?


We all think differently and that is what makes us unique and the world so diverse but have a little hard think about how you would really feel if you said yes and the emotional trauma that you could open yourself up to.


Don't feel embarrassed or shy in communicating this with this girl, hey she will probably respect you for saying it.

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You do sleep with her, its amazing, she falls for you, and then, out of the blue, she does to you what she is trying to do to him, but hey, at least she didnt leave you...

STOOOOOOOP, the madness,

Tell her she can't have her cake and eat it too,

All you have to do to prove my point for me is scroll down on some of the infidelity parts on this thing, and see how hurt some of the people in his soon to be shoes are in. You know its wrong to do this, and smile in his face like it never happened. You know what to do, put some space between the two of you until she can decide what she wants. Don't let her use you for sex while she is also sharing her body with him. Sounds kind of nasty when you think about it. Cheating is wrong, and the fact that she has already told you she can't leave him, if I was a man, that part it self would scream "I'm weak" I can't leave but i can cheat!. Look man if your strong enough to cheat your strong enough to leave. Don't let her use you as the frosting!

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Well, I can relate. I have a close friend who has a girlfriend in another city, but, we've slept together and fooled around. Whether it's right or wrong is not the question, who's the judge? who's to say? If he's cool with it, I'm cool with it. I don't want a relationship with this person, I love him, but, not in love. The problem is when that person decides to keep switching things up on you, one minute it's cool, the other it's "This isn't right"...but then it goes back to being cool, like everytime he would go up there to visit, when he came back, he tried to set some rules to our relationship, some boundaries...but, they never last. That person is the one that's confused, I know what I want and don't want. If you feel comfortable with it, then you know what to do, if you don't then you know what to do also. Don't let that person control the situation though, then there's another problem, and if you are trying to pursue something solid or permanent with this girl, that's an illusion...you wouldn't build a house on shaky, unsecure foundation...would you?

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