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I came to these boards with a problem, that I had no love or friendship in my life and was a pretty miserable person, who always felt anxious and nervous in social situations. I fitted in with the description at link removed


I moved on to other things and forgot about this place and came accross this whilst having a clean out of my favourites...


I've been documenting my progress in a blog since the turn of the year in this blog...

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In brief, before I was 21 years old and:




-Never had a girlfriend

-Never been kissed

-Had no friends

-Very self conscious


Actually taking action to improve yourself, rather than just talking about your problems on a forum is what you need to do.


I've improved myself by finding a community of people who are just like me and are friendly/supportive. In my case this was the London Seduction Society (link removed, but if you go link removed I'm sure you can find a similar group in your area.


I've spent time doing things such as:


Tony Robbins: Personal Power II

Paul McKenna: Instant Confidence

Hypnotica: Collection of Confidence


One of the best things you can do is start thinking positively, and start pushing your comforts zones and doing things that scare you. Then think positively about the results.




I am currently by no means super confidence, and completely socially outgoing, but I have improved massively over the past 5 months.


I am going out with friends regularly, I am approaching and talking to girls in bars regularly. I am much more comfortable in social situations, I am more assertive and stand up for myself much more. I have had my first kiss and although I've not met the right girl yet I'm in a position where I can see it happening if I continue doing what I'm doing, so I am not unhappy or desperate any more.


I can still be shy and nervous at times, and have more work to do and will continue trying to improve myself and reading self-improvement material.




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I must argue that sometimes, talking about things on a forum can be the first step in breaking your shyness. I know that is what I am working on right now -- I'm too shy to talk in depth to anyone I know, much less approach anyone new and try to start something before the previous issues are resolved!

(But at the same time, I'm going out and trying to force myself into social situations too, even just as an observer -- not simply staying home with my computer ...)


That brief debate aside -- Congratulations!

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