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Trapped in my own mind!

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I am so scared. I am afraid to talk to speak to even make a sound. Pain is rushing through my body bruses everywhere. I dont know where some of them came from. Why was the kid watching me while I was sleeping. All day his eyes were on me. Didnt they notice that there son couldnt stop looking at me. I am afraid to make friends because I always seem to make the wrong ones. They use me. They use my kindness to get what they want. They could careless about my feelings. All they care about is themselfs. Dont they realize if they leave I will be more depressed.That they will just bring more pain to me. Why do I think of others before myself. I care more about other people then I do myself. I think being Selfish is a curse because in the long run you will end up alone....I guess I was wrong careing for others leaves you to be all alone.


Im scared, in tears and ALONE!!!!

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there may have been people who have "used" u in the past, but there are some people out there who would never do that. i think u should go talk to someone about what you're feeling. perhaps someone u trust or a professional. they could help you.


i've learned that there are people here on eNotAlone who care, and whenever you need help, they'll be there to help you. you're not alone. if u need to talk more, don't hesitate to send me a private message.


take care.

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Even if the world looks bleak

And the friends are weak

And the people are users

And the helpers are posers

Just remember: You're loved.


Even if they ignore you

And the tears roll down you

And the pain it hurts you

And your life just scares you

Please remember: You're loved


Even if you don't believe it,

Even if you can't see it,

Even if they all hate you,

Even if they all use you,

You're loved.


It doesn't matter who,

It doesn't matter why,

Just know it's true,

Doesn't need to be proved,

Remember: You're loved.




It's true. No matter where you are, there is always someone who loves you. It could be a parent, a grandparent, a friend, a teacher, God, a person you cared for, a person you met at summer camp, God.


And don't be afraid to make friends. It won't take long to make the right ones, you just need patience, and you don't need to stop caring for others, because that is your personality and you will attract friends with it. I promise.

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I disagree, something inside you is ready to change. So Babes, what do you look for in a friend? Where are you looking? I don't know what to say. But it is never a friends "job" to make you happy that is your job first and foremost. Why do you measure your self-worth though others acceptance. Thats risky IMO.


There is a difference between being selfish and self-reliant, doing things to better yourself as a person. I've tried to please everyone all my life, it just doesn't work. But when you stop trying to please everyone and put that energy into improving yourself a funny thing happens. People will come looking for acceptance in you. Your personality will draw people to you and then you get to chose. So babes, if you need anyone to just listen please choose me OK.

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No Babes...being selfish is not a curse...not at all.


One can give and keep on giving in one's life, but if no one is there to appreciate it, there will come a time when you would ask yourself 'why do i keep giving?'. As much as we tend to cherish the better friends and the closer ones, we also have to keep an eye out for foolery and mistrust.


You can set your own personal standards when it comes to friendship. Not defensive walls, just a yardstick. Be sure that your own values and integrity is not compromised and you should be fine. Do not let anyone walk all over you, for some can do this in the name of friendship.


Be a good friend to others, but most of all...be a good friend to yourself. Take heart.

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