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Is this a good choice?

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Hi everyone! Here is my story.


I 17 years old. I attended high school for all of freshman year and a couple weeks of sophomore year. Until I decided I wanted to be home schooled because of all the stress high school offered.


I did good for the longest time. 'Til I began to hang around my friends more.


I would be a junior right now. I am thinking about returning to high school for senior year so I can have those memories and actually walk with my class you know?


Do you think this would be a good idea? Am I missing out?


Thanks guys

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Yes you will be missing out!!!! Home school is great, but it also lacks in many areas. You need to go back to public school. Home school sucks from what I hear. Do you not want to go to football games and the prom?

I was involved in the many clubs at my school. I was the captain of my Dance Team. I played the alto saxophone in the band. I was the president of my Spanish club and chemistry club. I had a ball!

You are missing out on sooooo much it is a shame.



I hope you are still not planning on moving to be with that guy.

Do not move to be with some guy just to ruin your childhood. My senior year in high school was the best year of my teenage life! Do not move to be with this guy! If he is putting up personal adds online he does not have much respect for you.


You will regret it if you go to be with him. When I was your age I had a boyfriend from the age of 15-19. I went off to college and we broke up two months later( he cheated). Many years later I look back, and I am so glad I did not put my life on hold for him. If you guys are not engaged to be married and have not set a wedding date, then you should not move. Look at J.LO she can not keep a man, weddings do get canceled!!!


If he is the right one for you he will wait trust me. If he is not willing, he does not really love you. My friend dated a guy for almost 6 years with out ever living in the same state they just got married last summer. True Love can wait, and can survive distance. This "guy" of yours does not sound like he is worth the wait sorry. He sounds like he is on the verge of cheating.

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