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Am I Wishing For Too Much Hope?

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Hi everyone,


just wondering if someone can give me an insight on what this text message I rec'vd means:


"morning . thnx 4 always thinking of me. i know u care n i care 4 u too. im still here 4 u even if we r not together. have a good day."


I rec'vd this text in the morning. We talked the night before. She repeatedly, again, told me she'll do anything for me. And she knows I feel deeply for her and would do the same. She also stressed that I can always freely call her. Almost like she's opening the door.


This was the first in like 3 weeks since we have talked. Prior to that, she's been having many problems with work/ family/ me / etc... She mentions that she occasionally feels "empty." Like things are not so complete in her life.


- Is this text a nice way of saying it's totally over ... It's not so definitive, but am I just being too sympathetic / wishing for too much hope.


any help would be much appreciated.

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I think it's pretty clear,


She's there for you as a friend but nothing more. If you're up for just her friendship take it by the horns. Otherwise just know that all she wants from you is friendship and she seems to be trying to be a very good friend- but ONLY a friend.


She's being true to you so take her message for face value and don't read into it.


Hope this helps... sorry to pop your bubble.

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telling you from my own experience it depends on the person that she is. Have you guys kept breaking up and making up or is this the first time? Did you spend a lot of time together or was it a short romance?


I remember when my ex and i would break up I would write him a txt msg saying "Look, no matter what happens remember I will always be there for you" if we broke up out of my own accord then I would mean it that I would only want to be friends, if we broke up and it was his initiative, then i think that I'd write it for him just to think about me,and to miss me in hopes of starting something up.


So i think that it all happens and depends on the circumstances that you guys are faced with.

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we've been together for 9 mos. 8 mos into the relationship - it was awesome. everyone thought we were such the perfect cute couple. people in the supermaket thought we were married. we are both 26 years old.


we appeared to have broke up a day after our anniversary. that was month 9. things were really going bad on her end. It was her move to break up. Not Mine. If anything, i've been doing my best to save it.


It's been almost 1 1/2 mos since we seen each other from that day.


When we were happy, we seen each other on an average of twice a week. If anything, she's the sweetest girl I've ever came accross. Of course, a little wacko at times, but I accepted it.


The girl literally moved into my room. I still have her stuff in my room. When I asked her if she wanted it back ... Her response was: "are you in a rush?" i was like "no, not really." Did I send her the wrong message by asking her this.


I only asked her this since it's been 3 weeks and we haven't spoken to each other.

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By the sounds of things maybe she doesnt want to let you go, I mean asking you if you are in a rush or not about getting her stuff out.

Please dont misunderstand me and you know this better than anyone, all I can read into is what you tell me.

Maybe being by her side (but not forgetting about yourself) and just every once in a while letting her know that you care and are there. Plus you both are 26, which makes it a bit of a different relationship! I know what you are talking about, sometimes everything just gets so damn confusing. And if she had a lot on her plate, then i guess sometime the relationship is the first to suffer. But for her knowing that you understand and are there. I think that helps, but what else did she say last night? PM me if you want!

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