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OK, I'm getting pissed about all these questions.


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Hi guys, I was 14 years old, too. And I'm telling you, I was always scared if I wouldn't get facial hair and a big penis with a heavy voice. Once I hit 15.5. My facial hair started growing, my penis size got bigger (testicles were already big), my voice lowered itself. I just got bigger in maybe 4 months. ALL YOU 14 year old DUDES. Don't even think that you won't grow anymore. Just wait. For a year or so, and you'll have a penis size, voice, facial hair that's satisfying. but things COULD go wrong, so here's my advice. if you're 14........... EAT A SHITLOAD of food everyday. Just eat eat eat eat eat eat drink milk drink drink drink drink. Don't stay hungry, you're hitting puberty, eat healthy, drink milk, vegetables. Just EVERYTHING. And I promise you, you will be satisfied with you penis size and everything else.

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gee, i dont know if all thats true now... no one guy is the same. everyone's body will grow and change at different speeds and different times. no matter what you do, how much you eat/drink....you will be different. but 14/15 year old guys, no need to worry just yet...guys continue to grow until their early twenties. and guys...dont think that you are supposed to look a certain way or be a certain size. no matter what. you are you and everyone is different.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a fact that 70% of women wish their man's penis was larger. Most women will admit that bigger is better.....it only makes sense that a larger penis is going to offer more vaginal stimulation as it is making more skin to skin contact (especially with the clitoris) than a smaller penis. Check out the website below, it's my new favorite site!!

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