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Past Relationship Advice for a Young Guy

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Hello, all, this is my first post on this forum. Over the course of the summer, I fell in love for the first time. She lived about an hour away from me, but it turned out that our parents were friends, so they introduced us and we began to talk. Slowly, but surely, I became infatuated with her. Everything was so perfect, she thought I was funny, sweet, and handsome, and I loved her for thinking it. She was a knockout herself, simply amazing. We got really involved with each other in very many ways, and I was never more sure that love did exist, and it was on my shoulder all day long. In about July, our families took a trip to the beach, were our relationship progressed more. But, after we got back, that was the last time I saw her for nearly 6 months. See, I don't consider myself a very jealous person, but she had alot, I mean ALOT of guy friends, being that she was a cheerleader. And also, as our conversations progressed, I found that she was a bit more sexualy experienced than I. All of this scared me so much, she started hanging around people whom I didn't know, going to people's houses for lengthy amounts of time, and I just couldn't take it mentally. So instead of being honest with her like I now know I should have, I took a different route. I tried to push her out of the back of my head. So eventually we stopped talking altogether. I would be the biggest liar if I said that there was one day, since the first day that we met that I haven't thought about her. I mean, every day I seem to remember more of the various events we shared together.

On New Years, that all stopped. Our parents got together at her house for the holiday, and I saw her again. She had moved closer to where I live, only about 15 minutes away, as opposed to one hour. We had some time alone, we hugged, but we spoke nothing of our past relationship. She was invited to come stay with us this weekend, and she accepted. Yesterday, after I got home from her house, I couldn't stand myself. I was overwhelmed by how much I had missed her and how much I still loved her. I figured it was time for me to apologise thoroughly for being the way I was, and I wanted to convince her of how sorry I was, and how much I loved, and will always love her. So I emailed her alot about this, it took me forever to write it. So, eventually, I sent it. She wrote me back later, saying that yes, she still loved me too, but she was amazed at how my attitude had changed. I believe her words exactly were "Your attitude at times seems almost horrid, and you act like you don't care about anything". I don't know, I really try not to examine myself that much, but maybe thats just the vibe I gave off whilst I was trying to be cool and not let on how much I missed her. I really don't know at all. If anyone has any advice on how I could patch this up, please post your replies. Thank you very much.[/i]

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well well, looks like youre in dire need of help with her, Personally this is the part where i think of the most romantic way of showing her u care. We are all limited by our imagination and as such the sky's the limit, For talking to her i would expect u should know a good deal about her, what does she like? no better yet, what does she love? what is somthing u can show her that no one else can? How can u make her feel special? What is her fav love song (here comes what in what i would do) You'd be surprised what music can do, stir up emotions locked up in her heart, it can set the perfect mood for you, and set u up lovely... invite her over, to your room but blindfold her, put candles all around and have a song ready to play (i'd pick 'r-kelly if i could turn back the hands of time' i think it should go well wit u'r situation ) play the song and slow dance with her for the whole song.... (make sure u take her blindfold off , its hard to dance blind) then tell her exactly how u feel, if this doesn't touch her, she was have a heart of ice, well .. best of luck to you, and i hope this works


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woa! i am dumb founded that idea is brilliant! i might use it..or as he said put my own twist to spice up my growing relationship with the love of my life...who honestly is so perfect for me in every way *sigh*...well another idea is if you have access to a car i would take her someplace she loves to be or would love to be. i live 45 min from the beach and guess the main place my gf likes? the beach that idea is so cliche though i would go with the above

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