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I know this isn't a site full of doctors...

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It depends on whether the person has chronic PID, a severe case or a mild case.


Repeated episodes/chronic PID will cause a build up of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, which can evenutally lead to infertility. I'm not sure of the exact length of time but I would suspect it would be over a few years


A severe case may leave scar tissue that begins to block the fallopian tube making eptopic pregnancies more likely but it won't necessarily cause infertility.


Severe, repeated bouts will obviously create more scar tissue and thus lead to infertility much more quickly.


A mild one off case is unlikely to lead to infertility. Keep in mind though that if you got it once you're more likely to get it again so it could end up being chronic, thus increasing the risk of infertility.


Don't know if that really answers your question but thought I'd answer anyway.

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