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Does he like me??? Please help..

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I could really use some help.

I'm a sophomore in highschool and I like a senior.

I've seen him every other day for about 2 weeks now and he's really funny. I've heard that he's really popular and the qb on the football team. In class, he always talks to me, even if it's about really nothing at all, he'll just strike up a conversation...I'm the only person he talks to in there really, and there are freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the class. I went to his football game and I even brought it up to him and told him he did good. He's always been really nice to me, but now he's been being even NICER. The only time he doesn't talk to me is like 5 minutes before the bell rings. Cuz, everyone is usually lining up getting ready to go. I never usually believe that people like me, but I gotta admit that it DOES seem like he does...Am I right? or is he just being really nice? Please wb w/a response.

Thank you!!

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Hi Xx CoCoNUT xX,


It sounds like he might indeed like you - but there is always only one way to find out ! You have shown him a sign at the football game - and you made a point of letting him know too which is playing your cards on the table. You will either get to a situation where he may ask you somewhere, or you will be at the same place, but you need to meet him outside schooltime to get further with this - that is of course if you want to wait for him to perhaps ask you out.


There is another, less traditional, yet highly efective approach to this situation. Ask him out yourself - as him straight out if he wants do do something at the weekend - just the two of you, and see his reaction - play it from there. Girls don't do enough asking in the game, and waiting sometimes doesn't work as guys can be shy about approaching the asking out situation. Many girls have missed out because the shy guy never got the courage to ask - I never asked a best friend college crush out when I liked her for over a year - I later found out she wanted me the whole time and I hadn't had the guts to ask her out - we spent practally every day together. I was gutted to say the least !!


Hope this helps you some,



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hmmmmmmm, well I think that he is just being friendly to you, but give it time be nice and friendly to him back and you might start seeing more obvious signs that he likes you like


- has intrest in what you like to do


- smiles at you often


- likes being around you


- gets nicer to you


stuff like that hope I helped.....

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