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Feedback about this first date...

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I had a first date today with a women I've known for a couple of weeks. It was a lunch date, and things seemed to be going well so after lunch I asked her if she wanted to take a walk (it was a really nice day out)... she did, and we ended up spending the rest of the afternoon strolling through a local park, taking pictures of each other with her camera, and just talking and goofing off. When I took her home we talked for half an our in my car, then she invited me inside to return something of mine she had that I had loaned her. I asked her if she wanted to see each other again and she said yes. She hugged me goodbye, after the hug and I paused and took a step toward her again and tried to kiss her, but she said she felt 'awkward'. I normally don't try to kiss a women on the first date, but thought it was worth the risk this time... only to get shot down. I didn't really know what to say so I said good bye and left. So, what I don't know is... should I call her again? Is getting shot down for a first date kiss a sign that she is definitely not interested? This seems like a dumb question but, as I said, I normally wait until a 2nd or 3rd date to try when I'm more certain.

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Awwwe. No, don't give up! She had fun with you didn't she? Just let her initiaite the kiss next time. You were just a little too forward for her tastes so maybe appologize. Also, its always OK to ask to kiss someone, it isn't as weird as it seems.

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It sounds like your first date went really well!


Personally when I was single I never tried to kiss on the first date. I didn't have a rule about it, I just avoided awkwardness. I felt that if the girl went out with me again, the next time would be more appropriate.


I digress. Yes, I would call her up to go out again.

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Hey thanks for the replies. She ended up sending me an email the next day saying she had a lot of fun and she proposed something... I called her (was planning to later that day anyway) and we made plans a couple of days out.


Now the kinda weird thing... I know her through some mutual friends, and we are going to see each other before our next date at a gathering of these mutual friends... I guess it isn't weird, but it kinda makes me feel like there could be some potential for awkward conversation since none of our mutual friends know that we went out and are going out again (at least I haven't told any of them)... kinda like a mutual secret. I guess it has been a while since I dated somebody I had mutual friends with.

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I guess it isn't weird, but it kinda makes me feel like there could be some potential for awkward conversation since none of our mutual friends know that we went out and are going out again (at least I haven't told any of them)... kinda like a mutual secret. I guess it has been a while since I dated somebody I had mutual friends with.


I can see where that would be awkward. I think your best shot would be to be yourself. I wouldn't give her any special attention than you normally give her when you go out with your friends, because you aren't sure if she wants to make it known that you two have been out on a date and plan to go on another one.

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