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My situation, i need your guidance

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Hi, im new here.


This is my situation, im unsure of what to do (sorry of the lengthy read, but i do appreciate it!!!)


About 6 months i new a girl liked me, but i didnt have feelings for her. She told me she liked me and i didnt really do anything about it, didnt say a no or anything, just kind of ignored it. We hadnt spoken for about 2 months, but i grew feelings for her over that time. I called her a few weeks ago and told her i had feelings for her, and since i've phoned her a few times and been persisting on wanting to meet up, and we finally did last week.


But what my problem is, im unsure of what she feels. She doesnt call me or start convos with me, i always start them with her, and she doesnt seem too enthusastic to talk to me on ph or msn, but when we met up it was ok. I think i've made the mistake of sounding too "desperate". And so i don't know what to do now. Don't know how she feels, dont know how to get around the desperate scenario, cos i know its a turn off


So what are your views and thoughts on my situation. i appreciate anything!!!!!!!!!!!

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First off - welcome to the board!


Your situation is a toughy to guess on for me because it's hard to read what someone else is thinking (the girl you're pursuing). However, it's pretty obvious that when she told you she liked you, and you blew her off, that she probably is not completely over that yet.


I know when I get up enough to tell a girl I like her - if she blows me off it's like a serious slap in the face. Then, months later, if she suddenly calls then I suspect she's in a rough patch in her life and wants to use someone...mainly me.


It's a hard thing to overcome - best bet is to leave the ball in her court some. Try doing this (it'll let you know real fast where you stand with her) - DON'T CALL HER, DON'T MSG HER..... and wait. If she calls you then you know she feels something for you - but if she doesn't then you've saved yourself the time and energy of going after a girl who isn't interested anymore.

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