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Feel tired advices please!

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It could be a number of things, depression, thyroid, CFS, adrenal fatigue, unbalanced diet, not sleeping enough etc. Of course, some of these things would have other symptoms as well, is being tried the only thing that is worrying you?


If it is interfering with your quality of life, you should see a doctor. Take care

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I have learned that increasing your activity really improves your sleep at night and makes you feel more rested the next day.


Take up a good diet (stay away from too much sugars and refined carbs generally), eat a good deal of fruits and veggies, exercise in the morning.


Sleep with an open window in a cold room.


If you still feel tired after a month of improving exercise/diet, go to a doctor for a bloodtest (iron, thyroid function, etc).


Take care!



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If you are feeling tired a lot, you should actually be seen by a doctor. Go and have your thyroid and iron levels checked.


Certainly poor lifestyle can contribute, but it can definitely be something physical that's the problem.


I recently went to the doctor because of this and found out my iron levels were slightly lower than normal. Slightly lower and I'm in bed by 8 every night, when I used to be up until midnight!


Overall, go and be checked over.

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