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It's today...her birthday!!!

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Hey I just read your previous posts and understand where you're coming from. I just had a ex g/f of 4 years b-day yesterday and me being the kinda guy I am(always the nice sweet one). I thought about calling or saying something but I know it would upset my current g/f and I didnt want to do that. But I would think about what emotions it could stir up by it. But if you feel its the right thing to do, then go for it but keep it short and sweet. Good luck



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You gotta ask yourself why you wanna call her or text/email her. To let her know you still care? Why would you wanna let her know that when she's made it obvious that she doesn't care about you? If you're still at the point where you have this unconditional love for someone who dumped you, you still need no contact and that means no texting or emailing either. This is what to do if you wanna do what's right for you.

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Each post of you gives me contraditory oppinions....you are not helping me.

Well, she knows I probably won't call her 'cause I've told her I was thinking about her today. She told me it would be nice to hear from me but, if I won't call her, she said she would understand...so, why bother my mind about this?

I think I've found myself the answer...it was right in front of my eyes.

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Well, her birthday passed and I didn't send her any message.

I feel a bit strange...I feel a certain guilt but, at the same time, I'm feeling relived, just like I had given this issue, and what might come from it, to a superior entity...call it destiny, god, whatever...


I think I decided not to send her any msg because I'm tired of feeling bad. It seems I'm doing everything I can to make her feel bad to the point that she doesn't really care anymore about me. By destroying my own hopes, I'm creating my own closure!


I would love to be her friend, in he future...I really do, because, in spite of everything, she's a great girl. Probably she might be upset after today but, you know what? Once again, I'm giving the outcome of it to a superior entity.

I am an adict and I've learned to use this entity when nothing else seems to work. I'm a man of faith!

And I know everything that comes after will be better than today!

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And I know everything that comes after will be better than today!

Good. Keep up with that menatility.


Wanting to be friends with her is still wanting her. It's just a mask for not being healed. When you no longer care about her is when you will be over her. Oh, dont get me wrong...you can still love her, but it will be in a platonic way. Trust me, that feeling, the feeling of letting go is the absolute best feeling in the world. I'm still working towards it and so should you.




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Good. Keep up with that menatility.


Wanting to be friends with her is still wanting her. It's just a mask for not being healed. When you no longer care about her is when you will be over her. Oh, dont get me wrong...you can still love her, but it will be in a platonic way. Trust me, that feeling, the feeling of letting go is the absolute best feeling in the world. I'm still working towards it and so should you.







I have a feeling of not wanting to be friends, rather i want absolutely nothing to do with her. i do not want to speak with her, nor be her "friend" in the future.


what does that mean?



it has been 2 months since she ended our 19 month relationship.

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