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Masturbation and cough syrup

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I thought Id mention that you probably have an addiction, that stuff has stuff to lower fevers, that will also effect your sex performance.


Taking this stuff in large dosis is toxic, you can cause permenent damage to your internal organs, and you could end up attached to some machine for the rest of your life.if that happens reaching orgasms will be the least of your worries.


Get help with your addiction.

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Everything is toxic, what varies is the dosage, I dont know what particular ingredients are in your particular bottle.


But look up each ingredient, then, find the data sheets over the net, and remember your taking every single serving the bottle has, and over long periods of time.


even simple thing like ibuprofen, can cause damage if taken over periods of time, that cough medicine has various drugs in it.


The fact that your defending your actions, is just more indication that you have problems that go beyond simple addiction. you should seek proffessional help. this thing has a control over you.

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listen to gilgamesh he is right, cough syrup can be dangerous, I know you dont wanna hear me preach about this. But you do have an addiction, I will not bother myself with trying to find facts and figures because I know them already. looks like you have a choice, you can do cough syrup or you can end up not being able to have kids. {or the fun of an orgasm} the only way you will be able to get rid of your addiction is if you get professional help.

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I will not bother myself with trying to find facts and figures because I know them already.


Like I said I wont bother w\ facts and figures, you need help there obviosly is a danger if you cant have an orgasm. talk to a therapist or someone who can help you. we are not equipt to deal with these kind of problems. you obviously have a problem and you will obviously not listen to me about it, you only think of me as a post not an actual person all I can do is try to persuade you to go to a physciatrist or therapist ect. oh and btw, must you have caps lock on all the time?

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Look and you will find, but those that dont want to see, are blind, you will believe what you want beause your an addict.


the same way other drug users find excuses to justify their addictions your no different.


Actually i am glad you came up with this topic never knew people are actually poisoning themselfs with this stuff, DXMing, oh well, from frog licking to glue sniffing, you never stop learning of new ways people abuse their bodies for a trip.


hey if you want to do drugs, thats your life, to each his own. but dont try and convince anyone that what your doing is safe, you may want to believe that, but the rest of us arent that dumb.

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well, even if there wasn't ANY proof in the WHOLE world and cough syrup was made out of health food, it's obviously harmful to you, and your body, because it is affecting your natural bodily functions! It might not me harmful to anyone else and so thereforeeeee there would be no proof, but it's messing with you so you should priortize. Natural bodily functions, or temporary high?

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This guy will see and believe what he wants, I have known other addicts through my life, they all react the same. denial.


He looked through it, didnt see anything about having to be hooked up to a machine so hey its ok! of course people have already died from this, and it can cause brain damage, of course we already have proof of this, seems this guy is already being affected.


I wont waste anymore time on this, to many other people that actually want to be helped.


The good thing about all this, is, that because of his addiction he cant have and orgasm, so his genes wont get passed on. thats good news.

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Taking this stuff in large dosis is toxic, you can cause permenent damage to your internal organs, and you could end up attached to some machine for the rest of your life




cough syrup can b just as harmful.. especially since ur overdosing. however it probably depends on the kind of cough syrup. codiene is a drug put in cough syrup and can b dangerous if u overdose on it. but hey, its ur chose.


o and y do u have to drink it and masterbate at the same time?

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i am going to take it this is for real even though it did make me laugh out loud - but you need to lay off the drug man *titters*. I dont understand why you feel the need to do taht and masturbate at once but maybe you could do the masturbating first and the cough medicine could be like your post-coital cigarette. Only in liquid form but just as dangerous for your health.

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