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I might lose her forever...part 2


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Earlier today I saw my crush again. I was walking towards the stop sign and she appeared out of nowhere from the corner of the street. She was all alone headed for school. After I noticed her, she crossed the street and got on the opposite side of my street. Of course I had the urge to approach her and strike up a conversation, but I got nervous and pretended I didn't notice her. Finally I made the decision to talk to her, but it was too late. When I saw her again in school she was walking with some guy. One word to describe me for today would be foolish. Has anyone been in similar situations and how were you able to solve the problem?

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This isn't looking good. Why? Because you haven't even done ANYTHING yet and you've already fallen WAY TOO HARD. You've put her on a pedastle without having even spoken with her or gone on a date. All this has done is make things more difficult for you when you finally do speak with her.


To help yourself in the future, you need to have a more grown up view on the situation, and have a stronger grip on your emotions. Right now, you're wearing your heart on your sleeve and that's not good. This is something you see far more common in youth, and when you get older it becomes a big hinderence because women like men, not children. (BTW I am not calling you a child)


If you have a tendency to get too attracted too quickly, then you need to speed up the process of approaching a girl and asking her out before you get too deep. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for major heartache each time it doesn't work out. I suggest you read the first 2 links in my sig.

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