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Am I making the right choice?

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Hi! My story might be confusing, but someone please help me because I don't know what I am going to do.


I am 17 years old. My boyfriend of 2 years is currently living in Texas. I am scheduled to go there and live with him there. I went to high school for my freshman year and a couple of weeks of my sophomore year and I left and began getting home-schooled. I am almost finished with it too.


My mom is a little weary about this. She doesn't realize I want to live there with him. My sisters keep giving me crap and it is really pissing me off. I want to know If I am making a mistake.


It's not like i am never going to come home or anything. I'll be here ALOT. I just really want to be with my boyfriend. We are really serious and really in love, to the point where we talk about marriage.

I am kind of telling people here that I am coming back. But between me and my b/f I am living there. I am stuck. I want to go but i am going to be leaving a lot of things behind.


Me and my b/f have discussed him moving back here, but that wont work. It will be bad on our relationship.


I am going to eventually move back and talk him into it. Because I love my friends and my family.


AWWW I AM STUCK. At least ONE person give me some advice.



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personally and if you want you can disregard my info but i think that you should wait and not move cant he come and visit you sometimes i think that it might be the wrong decision to leave all your friends and family i mean your only 17 if you guys are really serious and really in love you guys should be able to make compormises like visiting eachother and wait to make such a huge decisionas this one until your all the way ready, because you obviously have some serious doubts and if your doubting this that bad thats a clear sign that you maybe dont want to do this and your not ready.

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Ok I have a couple of questions. Why is your boyfriend in Texas? Why will he not move back?


You need to look after your own needs. One of those needs is your family. From personal experience, my Mom was very close to her family. When we moved away from the rest of the family she was always missing them and that probably hurt my parents relationship.


If your boyfriend really loves you he will understand that you need to be by your family. Don't count on being able to make him move back.

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I think it is a bad idea. I am 23 and I was going to move just 2 hours to be with my BF. I am so happy I did not move. You have to do what is best for you. If I would have moved, I would not have had as many career choices in that city. I would be stuck working a crappy job with no chances for advancement. I know that true love can with stand distance, if he can not be with you( due to distance), he is not really in love. My aunt and her husband had to live in two different countries for a year, their love lasted.


My mother alway said to me the only reason you should move is if a wedding date has already been made.


Ask yourself two questions:


1. If I were to move and things did not work out , would I regret my decision later.


2. Is this move going to affect my school work or career. You need to go to college or at least get some more skills to find a good job.


Do not depend on a man to take care of you. I think it is a bad idea. Who knows maybe it is not one, but if the end result is you wanting to move back home why leave in the first place.


If he really loves you, which I have my doubts due to what you said in some of your other post, he will make a way to compromise to stay together.

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I was in the same situation when I was 17(my bf moved to Kentucky). I ended up not going and I am very glad I didn't. At that age, you think that this is the love of your life, and I know I did indeed love mine, very much. But after I made the decision to stay, I started realizing for a TON of reasons why I made the best decision. Its up to you, but I don't think you should go. All too often us women make way too many sacrifices for the men who won't sacrifice anything for us.

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