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How to deal with bad razor burn?

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Try to keep the area from being further irritated.


We can make assumptions as to where this burn is, but in most cases trying to apply anything after the fact may not actually be all that great an idea. IN some ways, best just to let it heal on it's own and shave a little differently the next time.


I know if I get razor burn on my face (happens once in a while even though I shave virtually every day) I just leave it alone.

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Hi...thanks for the advice guys, for the most part it seems to be getting better, but the bump has me a little worried. It seems to be bigger than a normal ingrown hair and is kind of swollen. I don't know...I'm just keeping an eye on it and hopefully it goes away. Thanks again.


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Tonight before you get home, stop by a convience store or mega mart and by a hot pack...you know, one of those little deals that you open the package and it starts to get hot? Put in on the bump and keep it there till bedtime. If it is a boil or infected hair, the dry heat will bring it to a head and you can get rid of it. If it doesn't come to a head, then its something else and you can go see a doctor about it.

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