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so he called today.

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Ok, so my ex called today. I don't get it. He was the one that initiated the break-up, well kinda talked me into breaking up with him, whatever. Anyways. I was all good, getting over things, and then he called.




I was too busy to take his call. He called on my cell and my house and i was on the way to the gym and he asked how i was and i said i was fine but i had to let him go cuz i was driving. So i didn't even get a chance to find out what the heck he was calling for.


Why do exes call after its over???? Geez, I still have no idea WHY he wanted to break up. Now i gotta figure out why he wants to contact me. guys are stupid. not all of them, i know. but this one sure is.

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Some guys can be really dense, I agree. My boyfriend just broke up with me today, sigh, I don't really get why either. I'm emotinally drained now but thought I'd check this site since it helped me with my last breakup three years ago.


I don't why your boyfriend called (of course) but if the break up was recent maybe he wants to reconcile but maybe only 'cause he's in that phase of remembering the good times. Try to remain rational about it if it's the case and think if you really want him back.

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