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Why is everyone breaking up???? hmmmm

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I have noticed so many threads today ...about people breaking up and who are hurting and it is even harder when it is something you didn't expect really at all ...but..I tell to all your people that are going through heartache you might feel so alone.but...your not alone,far from it.


The worst part of it for me is that I thought we would always be friends ... reguardless..she was so much like a best friend to me too,so many endless hours of taking and laughing & being there for oneanother(I {Mod Edit} hurt so badly). but there is nothin I can do,I tried.



It will eventually get better,time heals all wounds they say.


It is not the end of the world...it goes on ...no matter what happens.

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Hi Kleopatra,


Yeah I have noticed a lot of break-up threads today too, some of them make really hard reading. I hate that so many people are suffering in this way, not that I can do anything about it but offer a few words of consolation that won't even scratch the surface.


I am now happily married and those times of torturous pain and turmoil seem like a distant memory, apart from the scars I still carry (both physical and mental). But I really feel for those for whom these wounds are still so fresh. Perhaps the only thing I can do is to be an example of someone who has come through the other side and is infinitely stronger for it.


The world does go on, you're so right, even though some times we wish it wouldn't.


I really wish all of those suffering a peaceful night tonight, take care all....

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I think some people make it more dramatic then it needs to be. I'm not trying to be unsypmathetic but they really need to just get over and move on. Sitting around feeling sorry for themselves and posting threads on here isn't going to make them feel any better. Some breakups are harder then others but some people on here have been like I dated him for a month and I love him and we broke up. You don't fall in love with someone in that short of time. I think some of them (not all) just need to grow up.

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Perhaps it's linked to Valentine's Day? That being arguably one of the more intense days for those in love, it's likely also a day that a lot of self reflection and evaluation of relationships is done and the end result is some stronger relationships (which have also been discussed a little, but in general don't get talked about as much) and some broken ones.

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