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It has been said, and I believe, that life is a physicall manifistation of our thoughts.

So.... What makes you happy? What is it that you really want and believe you deserve?


Do you think that focusing on these things instead of the negative will draw these things to you?


What makes me happy is having love, having friends, and soon to be (assuming all goes okay) my new family of my own. I (generally) believe I deserve these and I have tended to attract them...well, eventually .


I do think that focussing on the achievement of goals and positive self-talk can help facilitate the good things, but there's nothing mystical about it. It's just about creating a more positive environment around you that people want to participate in. In a marketing sense it's about making opportunities .


Certainly going out into the world saying you hate it, or dislike people, or the opposite sex etc is not likely to draw the people to you who are constructive or who can guide you to greater things.


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Have you been watching the movie "What the **** do we know?" (What the bleep do we know?)


I did watch that a while back. Im interested in quantum physics in general. I also watched "The Secret". Ive dabbled in some books too. I think these things are possible. Just curious what you all thought. I know my posts are kinda minimal on this topic. Ill get more into it after work- gotta go!

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Certainly going out into the world saying you hate it, or dislike people, or the opposite sex etc is not likely to draw the people to you who are constructive or who can guide you to greater things.


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From what I've experienced, that's very true. Even if good things come your way, negativity can keep you from even seeing them.

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