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Anyone else's EX call today...

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Oh yes, the ex emailed:


"Hey what's up, my buddy X said he saw you at work the other day and you said hi" (duh, his buddy X and I work at the same place and he walked past my desk...OF COURSE HE SAW ME and why wouldn't I say hi, I have no problem being polite to his buddy)


"And that you were looking good" ( * * *? Is this a question, a challenge, a surprise that I haven't let myself go over him)


"Have a good Valentines" (Go away, have you not noticed I'm not responding to you anymore?? Get your ego boost from the horse you call a girlfriend that you dumped me for, remember her??)


My Valentine's was just fine, I had dinner with a girlfriend and went shoppping and I spent the money I would have spent on him on a gorgeous new pair of designer shoes for me.

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Yes, me too. A little retail therapy never hurt. I had a nice long lunch with a close friend of mine who is also a co-worker, and after work I stopped by the mall and bought myself a couple things. Didn't overspend, but took care of ME for once.


It took a little effort to ignore the ppl walking around with obvious V Day gifts, and I didn't go into Victoria's Secret, but now that it's Feb. 15, I'm better.


Hope everyone has a good day today...

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OK, I will admit that I too, did a little retail therapy and I am a guy.


Oh, and I had forgotten that Victoria's Secret is something I miss, now that I am not with the ex. ;-)


Originally Posted by ruby19

"Have a good Valentines" (Go away, have you not noticed I'm not responding to you anymore?? Get your ego boost from the horse you call a girlfriend that you dumped me for, remember her??)


I so wish I would have answered now and said something to her about her new guy.

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