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Question for metaphysical followers ...

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thanks butterfly cloud...

I guess it`s just that I seem to have spent so many years of my life not knowing where to go next, I think I haven`t been in touch with my intuition, or maybe don`t respect my own opinion enough that I end up letting others tell me what`s bet for me then end up realising it`s not really me. I want to get out of this cycle, but then I can`t get over the fear of acting on my own intuition! I really get this feeling that staying in this comfort zone where i don`t challenge myself, is actually something that I do need to do something about before the universe can even help...


I really like what you wrote about your theory of life, BTW. I have heard of a simpler version (I think it`s a Tibetan saying?) - that we can`t complain about our parents because we choose them ourselves before we`re born. It`s certainly a helpful way of looking at things.


hi everyone i have read a lot about this new age belief thing and i think it makes more sense then a lot of other religions. i was wondering where it all started from... i know that some of the ideas came for eastern cultures but what about everything else...did they just learn all of this from talking to dead people in out of body experiences or did a bunch of crazies get together and make it all up?


hey oddnet, I felt the same way, which is why my beliefs are religionless and eclectic but spiritual. Um, I`m sure someone will provide a more concrete answer than mine, but I also wondered this before, and upon checking it out on wikipedia I found that the `new-age` beliefs- which basically encompass all lthe beliefs that aren`t old religions or philosophies, and have come to be more recently (I think in the 60s-ish??? not sure about this)- mainly have their origins in pre-christian pagan/shamanistic beliefs. So they tend to be the ones that focus on nature, universe, energy, seasons, animals, symbols etc. When they re-emerged, it was in the West, and so you had no medicine-man or shaman, and so they were adapted to a Western paradigm a bit, which is why they are called New-Age, and not exactly the same as the pagan stuff.


The ones that include chanelling with other beings, contacting spirits etc - there are many indigenous religions that believe in protective spirits, nature spirits, and the ability to communicate with them, so again, the origins are in pagan beliefs....though I`m not sure if some of the more way-out ones originate there.


Then you have the Eastern stuff especially from India and China, which are more like philosophies rather than `religion` or `New-Age`, as they are just ideas of great people. Some, like Buddhism have become a bit complex - some schools are pretty much a religion, other schools are not. Beliefs like Taoism, Confucious etc, are like the Eastern equivalent of Socrates or Plato except that unlike the Greeks, they focus heavily on how people can live life.

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