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too much


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a little background first.. i am in a long term relationship,we are happy together,and he is happy with the fact that i have an interest in online chatting.for instance i have a myspace etc and go on to speak to people from all over the world, as friends. for instance if anyone asks for my msn i tell them im in a relationship and i do not cyber, if they are ok with that i will add them.


anyway, i added a guy as a friend on a profile site,we got talking as he is from where i was born,it was interesting to find out what was going on as i no longer live there.

after a while i added him to msn.long story short i enjoy chatting to this guy, i think he is interesting and funny, but the thing is, he will come over and chat EVERY single time i sign in, for instance if i am on myspace he will say hi how are you,then if i sign into msn he will come over straight away and ask the same questions! so i will be chatting to him in up to three different places all at the same time. very confusing.its got to the point where i cant even sign in to check mail anymore as i will be requested to chat. i have tried speaking to him in a polite way,saying i only need to chat to him in one place at a time, and i dont always feel like chatting to the same person every single day, but he doesnt seem to get it,what do i do? i dont want to stop speaking to him but at this rate i think i will have to say goodbye??

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Bless i think he has a little crush on you!


It might seem rude, but you dont always have to reply to him. Just talk to him when you have time. In fact by always responding, you are probably encouraging him.


Failing that, you could always block him for a while. Or just tell him politely sorry cant chat now, catch you soon!

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