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attracted to a woman i met briefly

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I know this might sound really absurd but I can't stop thinking about this woman i met a few days ago. I had the chance to meet her when I was asked by my boss to get some documents from the company where she works for. It was my first time to go to their office, so I had no clue as to who I should talk to concerning the documents. As I asked around, some employees directed me to talk to the manager... to HER. The moment I personally talk to her, I felt this incredible attraction and connection that I've never felt before. And I think, with my wishful thinking, that somehow, she, in her own way, felt it too. She had this gluey expression of hers with her eyes that is so *whoosh* irresitible. Her eyes were totally focused on mine all the time she was speaking. Gawd! I don't think anyone couldn't get affected by that.


Anyway, as our conversation progressed, she told me that she could get the documents prepared but only at a later time, and I could get them when they are all set. That means I have to go back to their office at a later time. After she said that, she asked me to leave her my name and my mobile number. Then, she also gave me her name and her mobile number, though I don't think that's completely necessary, given the fact that she could just leave the documents to her subordinates at the front desks for me to pick up. She also asked me to send her a message before I was ready to pick the documents up.


So the day after, I sent her a short message about the exact time I'm going to get the documents. And when I was inside their office again, she went out of her room and took a glance at me, (which I pretended I didn't notice coz I was freakin' nervous) and then she went out of their office. After a few minutes, she went back in the office. She was asked by her subordinates about the documents I was about to get, then she asked back if I was already there. That didn't make sense because I could totally swear that she really has seen me right before she went out of their office. So anyway, she greeted me with a simple 'Hi' and went back inside her room and never came back. I was quite disappointed but I extended my thanks to her through her subordinates as I leave their office. After a few hours, she sent me a message and asked me if I was able to get the documents. Though I think she doesn't need to ask me that coz she could simply ask her staff instead. I said yes, i got the documents and thanked her. After that, sadly, there was no further communication between us.


I wanted to say more, but I was shy and basically just nervous of all these overwhelming things that happened to me. As you can see, she's a woman of high professional level. She is sophisticated and she probably is 10 yrs my senior. And there is a big part of me that considers that maybe, she was just plainly being professional the whole time we talked to each other. Hell, I don't even know if she's straight or not. Being the sophisticated woman she is, I think she might think I'm a weirdo or something if I ever try to communicate with her outside the business arena.


The only way I get to know something more about her is through my boss, who happens to be in constant communication with her. I am so into her even if rumors have it that she's a chain smoker and a heavy drinker. Hell, she could be a mother of 5 and I couldn't care less.


All I know is that I have never felt this way before. Nothing ever got as intense as this. There were some people, men and women, who got attracted to me and who i got attracted to, but never anyone affected me like this and no one got me this scared. I really don't know what to do. Being with her is not as easy as what I want to.


What should I do?

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Wondering if your attracted to who she is or to what she has, would you rather claimed that position and to be that woman yourself?


Anyway if she isn't in a relationship/married or what not you could go for it, HOOOOOWWEEEVER


That you are neglecting the rumours is a bad bad thing. You see rumours (although often not 100% correct) usually do have a underlying core of truth behind it.


So be prepared to deal with a heavy drinker, chain smoker, mentallly challenged woman before you engage in a relationship with her.


Under no circumstances can you have a go at her if she is married or in a relationship already , you are selfish in those terms because you only state your own feelings, and do not perceive things from another persons shoes, namely that of her husband and how he would get hurt when you deceive him with her (just a theorethical situation) or with the kids they have, or other woman in her life or what not.


But hey if she's free you have my blessing, maby you can gossip a bit around to get some info on her?

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Robowarrior has a point. Are you sure that you are not just attracted to her superior position?


Sometimes we are attracted to people and it's really hard to explain why. It could be their tone of voice, their eyes, the way they look, their walk, other mannerisms, etc.


If the two of you have something in common and it sounds like you do, then why not use work as an excuse to contact her again? After all, she did give you her cell number.

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Thanks, robowarrior & Bally's. You really gave some wonderful insight on this whole thing I'm going through. From what I hear, she's not yet married. So, I guess that's a good thing. Though I think I have to consider some great things you've said. I would try to know her better...see the real person she is and be prepared for whatever outcome this could bring. I'll take my chances. Attraction, as always, is a real crazy thing. As you said, it could be her eyes, and yes, it could be her superior position, but above them all, I think it's her good combination of humbleness and confidence that made me attracted to her. It's really rare to find someone like that. Thanks, guys, for a great boost. That surely gave me more confidence to go for her.

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