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An attractive acquaintance has been flirting with me for months now. I finally got over my shyness and told her I'd like to get to know her, and she asked for my phone number.


I have no idea if she is bi/les or just a flirty straight girl...but I find myself anxiously awaiting her call!!!


She said she'd call me sometime this week. Yay!



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Ok if this were me, I would back away now. The girl is married. While you all can totally be friends, being just friends when there is a mutual attraction is hard. She could be in a situation where maybe she is bi curious, and that is fine, but it could get real sticky real quick


If I may, how was she being flirty? Knowing that could help me out lots!


Take care!

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If I may, how was she being flirty? Knowing that could help me out lots!


Take care!

I think that icnoland is right, and about how was she being flirty? If you think that you can be friends then try to be friends if not then dont even try.

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