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Helping a friend with his Breakup

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here's the deal..


There is this friend of mine who has just recently broken up with his long time, on and off again girlfriend. This time I know it's over with, God I hope it is, for his sake.


He's horrible right now. He was so in-love with her and all he can thin about is her. His life is going to shreds.. I'm trying to comfort him and help him think about other things. He's so negative about the whole thing, which I think he has every right to be. The girl cheated on him, lied to him.. all kinds of nice stuff. What ended it was him finding her in bed with another guy.. heart breaking.


When I try changing the subject, I can tell that he's not even really paying attention to what I'm saying.. he's thinking about her..


I try and tell him that it will take time, and that he will be better off.. and he needs to worry about his own life and not what happens to her. Nothing seems to penetrate.


He just started taking prozac to help.. I don't know how I feel about that but it's not my life, all I know is that if it helps more power.


I'm just reall worried about him and don't want him to hurt himself or anyone else. He's not happy.. not even good.


Could someone please give me some advice.. I'm lost and I can only imagine how he's feeling right now.


I tried telling him about this site and how it's helped me, but he doesn't seem interested..?

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Dear Delusion79,


It really sounds as though you are doing about all that can be done... being his friend in a difficult time.


Sometimes it seems as though the only medicine for such things is time. (And friendship.)


Wish I had some great advice for you...


Good luck and best wishes to you both.



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One more victim of love.. I'm trying to recover from a bad relationship, being dumped by a cheating ex.. And I'm not doing well.. It is not easy proces and some people can save themselves quickly, but others like me, sink deeper every day.. Stay close to your friend, be by his side if he wants to talk or comfort him if he cries.. Maybe proffesional help isn't bad idea too, because sometimes it just won't go away, man needs proffesional guidance to bring his life back.. If we would be able to analyse situation with objectivity then there wouldn't be any reason for sadness.. But we can be very smart when it is about giving advices to someone else but we can't save our own life.. We know that ex isn't worth of our tears and we know that we deserve better one, and that if ex was that great he or she would still be here.. But part of our life is gone and it takes time to fill the emptines..

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