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We've run out of things to talk about...


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I have had this real close online friend for a few years now. We used to spend hours talking about anything and everything. We even met in real life and were just as good of friends there. This was the first person in my life I could really open up to and be myself around.


Lately, however, it seems as though we are running out of things to talk about. I mean there's not much we haven't talked about so starting a random conversation about something would more than likely be a repeat of a previous conversation. Sometimes I start asking questions to keep the conversation going, but then he gets annoyed because the questions I am asking have no real meaning.


I feel our friendship distancing and I don't want that because this person is the ONLY friend I have. I'm in an unfortunate situation which prevents me from having real friends but thats another issue for another thread.


How would be the best way to keep this friendship going and return to what we once had?

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One way is to make sure you are active in real life - that you have interests and activities you pursue, possibly hobbies and that you interact and socialize with others. You don't need to share "why" you can't have any other friends, but my guess is that since that is the case you're putting a whole lot of expectations on this friendship and that can be overwhelming to the other person.


and, sadly, some friendships do fade - it's just reality - particularly when the friendship mostly consists only of typing and talking.

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there's a Van Morrison song "Enlightenment" when he simply repeats a few times "non-attachment, non-attachment, non-attachment"- it's that somewhat zen idea that if you release your strong desire for a specific outcome, your relaxation may make the outcome you want more likely to happen. So- enjoy your friend- don't get too wigged out, and just let the chips fall as they may.

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...One way is to make sure you are active in real life - that you have interests and activities you pursue, possibly hobbies and that you interact and socialize with others...


I agree with you Batya. There will always be something to talk about if you fill up your life with other activities and interact with others.

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