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Is mean. Why do people talk about others behind their back? Women are the worst for this? Why do people not like dead silence? Why do people laugh at someone thats different? Why do people seem to seem manipulative like they're hiding something?


I view this sort of behavior everyday. I don't think I act like this.

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Why do people talk about others behind their back? They stupidly think it will enhance their own status.


Women are the worst for this? You'd think so, wouldn't you? Ain't necessarily so.


Why do people not like dead silence? Dunno, but I sleep with the TV on, and I'm up all night during blackouts.


Why do people laugh at someone thats different? They're hiding the fact that they're scared.


Why do people seem to seem manipulative like they're hiding something? This may be less common than you believe. Some people, though, like the attention of others wondering what they're up to, and some like to have things that others don't.


I view this sort of behavior everyday. I don't think I act like this. I'm sure you don't, then - and I thank you.


My post sucks. Sorry about that.

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People talk about others behind their backs for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's to get something off one's chest. Sometimes it's to forge a bond with whomever else is willing to talk about the person behind his/her back. Sometimes it's because human nature is to dissect and analyze others' behavior.


I think women tend to be overly analytical, moreso than men, which may be why they do that more often. But I know plenty of men who are guilty of it, too.


Dead silence is uncomfortable sometimes. Other times, not so much. A walk in the woods with someone may not require conversation. A first date, however, might. So what if the first date is a walk in the woods? Good question!


Not everyone laughs at what's different. Why they might, I'm not sure. Probably fear, as another poster suggested. But I think things and people that are different are pretty interesting.


You probably don't act like this, but just keep in mind one saying: What we hate most about others is probably something we hate about ourselves. Not always true, but something to think about.

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Why do people talk about others behind their back? Group mentality. They want to belong. Insecurity is at the root of this. I've done this a few times, I'm ashamed to say.

Women are the worst for this? Not necessarily.


Why do people not like dead silence? I love it. It's the most wonderful place to be, alone with your thoughts.

Why do people laugh at someone thats different? They're scared. They don't want to show they're scared so the give the different person a negative status to try and justify the fear they feel.

Why do people seem to seem manipulative like they're hiding something? I'm not sure I understand this question.


I view this sort of behavior everyday. I don't think I act like this. Good for you! Do keep it up. Please.

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