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please i NEED advice about my guy friend!!!

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if any1 could please give me adviceon this complicated situation i would REALLY appreciate it. a little less than a year ago, i met this guy at work. we never really talked and i wasnt too interested cuz i was crushing on this other guy, but i used to always think that it was some sort of physical attraction i had towards him that made me notice him. well after a few months we actually started talking to each other and we very quickly became friends. we'd both go out of our way to see ech other and we'd always take our breaks together. if we see each other we always stop and talk to each other. ive even been confronted by a few coworkers as to whether we are going out or i get the "when are you 2 gonna go out already?"sometimes i swear he tells me more than he tells some of his friends. we've gotten really close, but he's never asked me out or suggested we hang out outside of our parttime jobs. twice i hinted. once i gave him my number and he sounded like he liked the idea, but he never called me. the other time he said he was going some place with another girl. after that we didnt talk for like 2 weeks, but then after things stopped being weird he went back to acting like he's my best friend at work. we have soo much in common its not even funny. i get along great with his friends that work with us but he doesnt act the same in front of them with me when they're there. i thought this was weird cuz he would bring in friends from outside of work and still act cool with me and hang out with me. also, after that freaky 2 weeks we avoided each other he mentioned meeting up with some girls practically every time we talked. hes stopped that completely now and always talks about being bored, havind nothing to do and how all his friends work so he has no one to hang out with. now, i dont think i could ask him out, even as a friend, again after last time. why wont he ask me out? does any1 think he likes me? is he a tease or is it possible he only wants to be friends at work? i find it hard to believe cuz we get along great. thanx 2 any1 who took the time 2 read this. please give me advice, any1!

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wow u just explained exactly whats going on with me.. only that i'm the guy, personally i think if he is really such a good friend with you and its everything you say, hes prob. embarresed to make a move with you, but he doesn't want to seem like a loser in your eyes, so he talks about other girls so you can see that hes not obsessing over you, u follow?... Anyways although he goes out of his way for you during work, i think he doesn't want to come on strong out of work by forever calling you, Why dont u give him a call? i bet he'd like that , i'm sure u'r not the only one feeling these feelings, you shouldn't leave everything up to the guy, sometimes in life you have to take the step forward, well i really hope everything works out,

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thanx "street-bum" for your reply. a lot of what you said made sense and i was glad to hear it from a guy's point of view. i was actually kind of afraid that if i asked him out again i would scare him away, and there's no way i would want to lose what i have with this guy, even if its just friends. a big event of mine is coming up and i was considering asking him to celebrate with me, nothing big, but it would be a great excuse to hang out with him. i've considered calling him up till i realized i don't have his number. lol. i haven't figured out a way to ask for it without sounding dumb. this is the hardest part for friends of mine and even myself to understand, but i only talk to him at work. i used to see him around 4 or 5 days a week and now its cut down drastically, but it almost seems like we have more fun being together and are more excited to see each other since that "quality time" is more rare. when you said you are the guy in a similar situation, it made me wonder...why do guys play these games like this? no offense, but im a pretty easy going girl and i would feel so much better if he could just speak up sometimes and tell me what he's really thinking. i understand the pressure and awkwardness in it though, because i feel it too. well, thanx again and i wish you the best of luck in your situation.

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Hmmm why do guys play these games ? Cause thats exactly what every guy does... Everyone has their own 'game' and some work betters than others, we usually do stuff that helps us in the long run ( like becoming really good friends with a girl u'r attracted to, cuz it makes our job that much easier) The only guys out there not running something are the gay ones, but thats only cuz u'r a girl . This subject still holds a grip on guys because we can't stray from it, i think its natural, just gotta watch out for the weirdo's and u'll be koolio. As for asking him out and u not having his number, do it in person at work. Ask him what he's doing on that day, as soon as u ask that he knows whats coming, and you also get to see his reaction, Even thought it might be more awkward, feelings are much more stronger in person... good luck

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