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I believe in things with purpose. When you want something, you go get it. You don't do or get things just because.


Currently, I'm a somophore in High-School. I was always considered an inteligent kid. Never studied, got straight A's. It was OK. I made that without effort, so I was cool with it.


Yet, now I'm starting to... fail to tap unto my potential. My grades are still better than 85% of the other students grades, but I could do so much more. Point is, I don't care.


In classes, I can't concentrate. I don't want to study, I skip classes. Every single day I can't stop thinking about how meaningless all of the education sistem is for me. No pratical knowledge, no useful information, no real preparation for the real world.


Why should I do an effort at school?


To get a good job. To earn money. To whatever. Well, that's untrue. Having finished High-School, College or whatever isn't going to grant you anything. A degree won't grant you happiness. If what you really want is to pursue education, sweet! Your happiness lies there. But 90%, or more, of the students I know, are aimless. They just do things because that's what they're supposed to do. I have only met two or three people that say they're going to college because that's what THEY really want.


I would like to give my best at school, but the question is, why should I do that? Or, should I even do that?



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if you're able to "slack" and do well in highschool, then I'm all for it. Just try not to get into the habit of slacking, because in college, and in work, slacking has a detrimental effect.


I can guarentee you 100% that people with a high school diploma earn more than a high-school drop out. And the numbers for someone with a college degree compared to just high school grads, it's like night and day.


It's like, with a little bit of "suffering" you can put yourself in a position to do well for the rest of yourlife.


It's true, it doesn't grant you happiness, but on the other token there is a good reason why you're suppose to go to college. It sets you up for life. It gives you something to fall back on. I know with my degree, I can go out and take on the world, no matter what happens.


The caveat.


You could be the 0.00001% that can drop out of school and make something out of yourself. Bill Gates is a college dropout. Many of the most successful people out there dont have college degrees. But it's a numbers game. Would you trust 100% your financial future to winning the lottery? Not a smart move. Samething with betting your future on striking it rich. The safe road is to go to school, very little risk. And there is potential for high rewards later in life.


But, you can drop out now, and try to make it on your own. Lots of risk, high reward.


For me, I mitigate the risk. I have my fall back plan, so I can strike out on my own, and if I sink, I can swim back to my safe-rock.

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oh man.. i was the same way. never did homework, never did the reading, never studied. I graduated with a 3.8gpa.

As soon as i hit college though, wow.... it's not that it's hard because it really isn't for me. What's hard is making myself go to class, making myself do the required reading and work (there's a lot of online stuff to do).

I made a horrible mess out of my first semester, wound up on academic probation (!!!).


So, if I can give you any advice, it would be to force yourself to study just a little bit, not necessarily to do perfectly in school, but to fine tune your study skills. I'm 20 years old and still have no idea how to study

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I slacked my way through university. Don't worry about it. If you're smart it's just gluttonous to try any harder.


Once you figure out what you want to do, it will all make alot more sense. In the meantime, you keep your head above the water because if you drown, you will close doors. You don't want closed doors once you've figured out your raison d'etre, do you?

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I found that yes, it is really hard to study in high school when it seems like nobody else cares about it.


My advice? Study now, so you have the skills to do it in college. I did horrible for the first year of college due to my lack of study skills.


I found it is virtually impossible to study in a familiar environment. Too many distractions, ie TV, wanting to eat, sleep, whatever. Go to a library, or a coffee shop to study. You won't have as many of those distractions. Even a half hour a day makes a big difference.


Good job on being proactive in your education. It will truly pay off for you sooner than most.

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