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He really likes me, but I just want to be friends

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My guy friend and I met when me and my ex were together. We always mess around with each other (pushing each other in the halls, punching each other as a joke). Just a few days ago I found out from another close friend that he likes me more than just that and is going to ask me out. I don't want to hurt him, but I am just not attracted to him in that way. I can't see myself doing anything romantic with him. I know he is going to ask me sometime this week to go out with him, but I don't know how to tell him I don't feel the same way for him. I was thinking about just going out with him for maybe a week to just make him happy but I realized that it would just hurt him even more. I am even thinking about just avoiding him all together at school because it is going to be so awkward. Everybody is expecting us to get together. I don't know what to do. Please help me!

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Dearest Shadow,

It sounds clear to me that you just want to be friends correct? Don't let anyone expect other wise. It's what YOU want to do, not what they expect you to do. If you can't see being romantic with him, DON'T. You may end up ruining a good friendship. You can trust that gut feeling for sure. Don't avoid him, just be yourself. He'll respect you more than just taking the easy way out and avoiding. Or if you feel so daring, take a chance on him!

You might just be surprised!


Be Well,


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Wow, tough situation here ShadowDreams,


Ok, If your Positive..he is going to ask you out this Week, than you need to think of some thing pretty quick. I'll try my best to give you some ideas.


1.) The "i just want to be friends" line is a good way to put in his head, you don't want to date him, It will hurt him, But not as much as #2


2 .) Ignore his every attempt to talk to you, (BAD IDEA) that will make his discouraged and he will try even harder to get your attention, to a point of desperation, and you don't want that.


3.) Getting him in person, Sort of like a hang-Out Date, Tell him your not ready to date anyone yet, make up an excuse. but have a BACK-BONE say something like "well i just ended a Pretty serious relationship, and i don't want to date anyone right now." That will clear a spot for a short time, and get him off your back, but will still be your friend.


4.)have a friend tell him, You have a STD...haha Ok I'm just joking (more humor) anyone who reads my post knows i like to joke around like that.


5.) Talk to him in person or over the phone, Tell him he really is the nicest Guy Friend you ever had. that will give him the impression that you just want to remain friends, At least i think it would.


6.) Or wait until he ask's you, Grab his hand..and say "i only see you as a Friend, I hope you can understand that. But Trust me your the best Guy Friend a Girl like me can have" and kiss him on his cheek.

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