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Couple of questions

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First, exactly two months ago me and my g/f had sex for our first time.

Since then we've been having a lot of fun.

First question: ni many of the times we did it, she reached orgazm. One of the last times we did it, she even had 2. What does it mean? That I am lucky? Cause I know most women dont have orgazm from penetration... or is it that I am very very good at it? Just kidding


Stil, we havent been able to find her g-spot, and we really want to... any tip?


The firsts times we did it, I cum pretty quick. After some time, to make it last longer, I started to hold it like when you have to go to the bathroom, and there is none near you LOL and then I can last a little longer..... but also, I doesnt enjoy it that much. Its like I am just going in and out without feeling much, and when I think its been enough time, I release my self, start to (really) enjoy, and finish... is there a way to last longer, but also enjoying it at the same time?


Last Q: from the first time, every time we do missionare possition, we have to put a pillow under her bottom, without it I cant get "as deep as" I do when we do use it... i thougth that maybe after some time using it, we would be bale to not use it... but we were wrong. Any advice on this?


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to your second question first, I have found it is much more pleasurable in the missionary position to have a pillow under me, nothing wrong with that.


and to your first question, what does it mean with her having two orgasms? She was really turned on and you were hitting the right spots.

As far as finding her g-spot you just have to explore and play around. If she is having orgasms from straight intercoarse then you are probably hitting her gspot and you just dont know it.

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Hi Quietgrl!! How you doing? We are fine, thanks! Enjoying this new "toy" that is sex

Thanks for the kind words.


BTW, that time she orgasmed twice, I didnt orgasm even once LOL. But its ok for me, I love seeing her enjoying it...

And I still havent gone down on her, she wants and I want to it will happen soon...

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Hi Quietgrl!! How you doing? We are fine, thanks! Enjoying this new "toy" that is sex

Thanks for the kind words.


BTW, that time she orgasmed twice, I didnt orgasm even once LOL. But its ok for me, I love seeing her enjoying it...

And I still havent gone down on her, she wants and I want to it will happen soon...




I'm doing fine sweeite and i'm glad you're practing sex with your girl.I am soo happy for you(big hug). Hey you'll introduce your tongue to your lady's clit one day don't worry.My darth is becoming a sex machine.hhheeeyy.Darth alway remember to become a good lover. A man has to put his woman's sexual needs first.


P.S I'm alway a fan of good people and Darth your a good person in my eye.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a small update.

We are now in a dificult time, because we have all the exams from university, so since december the 25th, we've only met once. But that time (last week), I tasted her

It was a little strange at the beginning, but I got used to it very quickly and I really enjoyed it. Of course she also really enjoyed it

I cant wait to meet with her again (maybe next sunday) to do it again....

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Okay, the g-spot should be a few inches inside her vagina on the side closest to you during missionary sex. It's easier to give g-sport orgasms with your fingers and I give my girlfriend multiple orgasms this way. I gave her eight orgasms once or just one really long one. If you insert your fingers inside of her vagina and curl them up a little you should find a patch that's a slightly different texture than the rest of her vagina. If you just rub your fingers back and forth over the general area that should do it. Anyways, it's easier to reach with your penis if you enter her from behind, but then you don't have the clitoral stimulation. Insert one finger at first and let her get used to it, and then you can go for two. If you lick her clitoris while you do this she'll probably come pretty easily.


Try that out and tell me how it works. Have fun with it.

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Just a small update.

We are now in a dificult time, because we have all the exams from university, so since december the 25th, we've only met once. But that time (last week), I tasted her

It was a little strange at the beginning, but I got used to it very quickly and I really enjoyed it. Of course she also really enjoyed it

I cant wait to meet with her again (maybe next sunday) to do it again....


Gosh!!Is everybody busy with school. hhheeeyy my man Darth is getting his groove on(waving my hand).You work that tongue boy.

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