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Do u believe in fate?

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Hey all!!


I met a guy about 4 years ago. Wow he blew me away, I was 13, he was 17, and I know that was a problem 4 him, which was fair enough. But I know he liked me, he told my friends and family, but never me, he wasn't shy, he was loud and popular with the ladies, he used to always say, 'I wish she were older'. I met him at the pub my mum cooked at, he used 2 drink there, and I'd just sit around, and he used to watch me, he would just stare and stare, even when his friends were there, he used to give me looks, I could tell so much from his eyes. But I could never hold his gaze. He hugged me a couple of times... and I turned to jelly. But sadly we moved away, we had to, so I didn't see him anymore. It broke my heart, I cried and cried. Well recently due to my step dads work, we've moved back there, and I cant stop thinking about him, I have over the past 4 years, he hasnt took over my life or anything, I've had relationships, but he was just sooo kind and caring, I went through a lot then and he used to try and help me. Well anyway, I found my diary from back then, wow my feelings were intense, for a 13 year old extremely.


So next week I plan to go back to that pub on a friday, and see if he's there, I know he still lives there, I saw him a couple of times, but just couldn't say hi. So my question is...


Do u believe in Fate??


The feelings I still feel astound me, I know he's special, Im 17 now, should I let go, or carry on... I know that people change, but still, theres 'this' feeling.


Even my mum wants me to get with him and she hates all my men! This is something strange Im feeling, I could let go, but somethings making me not. Do u think Im clinging onto something that will never happen? Im confused. Thanx 4 listening.

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Hi There,


Well to answer your question I do indeed believe in fate, as do most hopeless romantics. Anyway, before you jump in you should maybe scope out if he's available or not. If he is then make it known that your interested and with any luck he'll do the same.



I really think you should go for this. Whats the worst that can happen?


Good luck.

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Thanx 4 the reply, But yeah I would never go there if he has another girl, which is a possibility, but even after 4 years I still think a lot about him, which is strange, but nice, it brings a smile 2 my face. The worst that could happen... hmmm... I dont know... so u think I should just go back 2 the pub we met, if he's not there I know someone who knows him will be.... and just go say hi... u dont think Im stupid 4 clinging onto this?

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