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My Boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 years now. When we 1st met I thought he was heaven sent. I do love him.. but to get to the point..

Im 18 and he is going on 23 so keep in mind that he is going on 23 NOT my age.


He is a liar. I started to notice about 2 monthes after we met . I dont know why i didnt turn and run. Honestly. We met in the next county over. Where he lived. After the passing of his father. He moved to the same county i live in. Having no parents must be VERY tough. Well when i got a job i offered to pay for lunch one day. Well thats where it started. I noticed he stayed broke all the time well I dont watch porn or even like it but where i was paying for everything because he was 'broke' he was sending his money to porn after swearing to me he couldnt do that and he didnt watch it or look at the nasty stuff. So he was sending money off to buy it and i was stuck paying for EVERYTHING.


In some way just because i felt sorry for him. Well he lied about having it til i said look your lying and i know you are (That was about 6 or 7 monthes ago). So then he said that was from forever ago. so i said ok. Well then i found out more and more. Well we broke up. Then got back together. Well after a year into the relationship he says he put an engagement ring on lay away i believed him i was exicted. Well about 2 months ago people got to wondering where's this ring at? well long story short when i told him my father wanted to see the ring he went out the next morning and bought one to just cover his butt. I later told him i knew what was going on that he lied to me and to do what he wanted with the ring because i didnt want it and WOULD NOT wear it OR MARRY HIM. I found out today he pawned it.. no biggie because i didnt want it anyways but he pawned it before Christmas. Ok i think he hid this money from me because i never seen it i was still stuck forking out all the money.


Well his water got cut off 2 weeks ago. He got it cut back on 2 days later. His power got cut off about 3 monthes ago and his sister had to give him the money to cut it back on. My Brother Co signed with him on a new truck (a year ago) well his payment is 60 days late and my b/f went to the bank and had ALL the info like if the payment was late who to contact changed to his name so my brother wouldnt know about it. Well surprise when my older brother went to pay his own truck payment they told him that. I pay for his food sometimes gas he bums cigarettes off me. OH AND HIS RENT IS ALMOST 2 Monthes late.


He swears his money goes to his bills but apparently its not. I want to work through all of this as a praying Christian i pray for God to help me. His lying goes ALOT deeper than all of that ^^ Everyone tells me just to dump him. I honestly dont know why i dont dump him. Once before he got physically abusive with me and choked me. I know before he has stalked me when we have broken up. He lies so bad. Its not even funny. Im not saying im perfect and havent EVER lied to him because i hae and i told him that i have lied. But i have to go behinde his back and PERSONALLY appoligise to ppl that he has lied to and say hey he just lied to you im sorry. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Its a constant fight. We argue. I hate feeling used like i am being used. I did tell him since he lied about my ring and EVERYONE knew about it. That he would have to personally appolgise to EVERYONE he lied to.


Please help me. I think this time i might take the adivce

Thanks in advance.

God Bless!

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