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long story worth reading... i need the help!!!!

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ok so heres the story and ill make it as short as i can without leaving out any important details....brace yourself cuz this is long, confusing and interesting


so her and i have been best friends on and off since about 8th grade.....wed have our periods of being really close and then that would end...see i just graduated from high school in juin and ive liked her even tho shes my best friend since i graduated elementary school...over the years shes always said no and i dont know why i still like her...anyways this past spring was amazing and we became really really close...eventually we went official.....but with a few issues...she had this feeling of ashamedness to be with me in the beginnig not because of what she thought but because of what other people thought....she always doubted our relationship from the beginning and also said she would probably want to be alone for when we start university in september...anyways while were together we were both very happy with eachother and she never acted ashamed of me at all....we did fight alot however but thats just because i was never sure if she wanted to be with me 100% and like an idiot i sorta tested her at times which led to our fights.....id still say we were quite happy and i thought we were for sure going to be going to university as a couple....so about a month and a week of being official went by (3 months unofficial, which is the date we went by since its when we started seeing eachother at all) and she came home from her cottage one day and said she didnt want to be with me anymore....anyways its been 3 weeks now and were still trying to be best friends but ive cried to her many times asking her to give me another chance...which i know probably wasnt the best thing to do but i didnt know wut else....i tried writing her a letter, explaining myself....she just refuses to take me back and she says that she realized that i wasnt the type of guy she wanted to be with....except i tried to tell her that i wasnt truly myself while we were together since i always had that doubt that she liked me.....which i shouldnt have....well that hasnt meant enough to her to want to get back with me and im afraid her likeness for me is disapearing...i want her back...i need her back....i only found out what happiness was when i was with her...and now i dont have it anymore and i told her that...nothing has convinced her but i cant sit back and watch her meet other guys at university...i know there will be other girls for me but none of them are her....i need your help please people because i dont want to lose the one girl who ive liked for 4 years, loved for this year and still love her and will always love her....she is so special to me and i know i may have screwed up once...but i need another chance to prove how happy i can make her when i know she wants to be with me.....i need her back!! help me!!

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hey... why don't you print what you've written here and give her to read. Tell her she wasn't supposed to read it, but that's the only thing that's really the truth. Just ask her to read that. If she isn't moved or anything... well, maybe she doesn't deserve you...


I'd try that...


Good Luck



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ive pretty much tried that...not with this letter but i gave her another letter which said even more....its like shes turned ice cold.....im thinking maybe i should lay off for a while or sumthin and then try to start from scratch...i dont know what else to do....please i need all the help i can get!

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