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Instant Messaging

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i would suggest not to ask the girl out by IMing her. i have lots of friends that are girls and they always tell me the y like a guy to ask them out in person because they like guys who are confident. from experience, i know now not to ask a girl out this way beacuse in my ratin im 0 for 3 but when i ask a girl out in person im 3 for 5. so its really up to u im juss sharin my opinion good luck.

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i would suggest not to ask the girl out by IMing her. i have lots of friends that are girls and they always tell me they like a guy to ask them out in person because they like guys who are confident. from experience, i know now not to ask a girl out this way beacuse in my ratin im 0 for 3 but when i ask a girl out in person im 3 for 5. so its really up to u im juss sharin my opinion good luck.

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Wasup !


Thats a good question ! I can tell you that many times guys IM me and ask the first thing "M/F?"


I answer "M" , and then they say "Bye". So basically if I would say "F", they would stay and try to Cyber me or something. Many guys just tell stupid things over the IM. And I think she would think you are another punk over the internet.


I can tell you that I chat with one girl for a month , and lets say now i can ask her to go out, becasue we know each other a little better.


So talk to her about everything you can. Be nice.....and bring the "go out" stuff not directly but throught somekind of conversation.


Like - "I'm going to a movie next week , If you would like to join me , just let me know...."


Not Direct questions like "Would you like to go out with me!" , of course she would say "No". But if you give her time to think and she knows you better she may go out with you.


Joee - "Feel It In The Air"

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