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Annoyed over the phone. Help!...?

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So I have been with my girlfriend for just under a year now. We go to the same college and are now both at home (10 hours away) for Winter break. We spend a ton of time together when we are at school.

Anyway, when we left for winter break 3 weeks ago we were doing very well. Just before we left, she asked me for a "promise ring." We were excited about the idea and decided to pick one out when we got back to school in the middle of January.

Whenever we are away, we talk on the phone usually in the afternoon for a few minutes and once late at night to say goodnight to eachother.

For the last week she has been very hard to talk to. Our conversations lately have consisted of me asking her questions just to try to keep her on the phone longer than 2 minutes. She seems extremely moody and angry with me lately and very short with her answers, and always trying to get off the phone, like I am annoying her. If I miss something she said and ask her to repeat it, she gets annoyed with me too.

This morning I called her to wish her good luck on an interview she has tonight and she was annoyed that I called her. This kind of thing makes me feel horrible. It shouldn't be this hard to have a decent conversation with my girlfriend, even if it is for only a minute or 2.

She has been like this before when we are apart for a long time (mostly summer time) but never this bad and especially not for a week at a time. I've tried talking to her but she just brushed it off and changed the subject like nothing was wrong. Maybe she needs more space, but I wish she would tell me what was going on, and talking to her about it probably won't help and will probably make things worse.

Any ideas on what is going on or how I can bring this up with her? Ah!

Thanks for your help!

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I tried that a few days ago. She said she did, but quickly changed the subject. I love her but she is so hard to talk to over the phone about things like this, I don't know what else to try. With her, I can't talk about anything reguarding "us" unless we are together in person.

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  • 3 weeks later...

sometimes my boyfriend calls too much and it gets really annoying. I usally just say "hey!you are annoying me, stop calling so much, Im getting sick of it" not everyone is as blunt as me, but she's giving you obvious clues. I live in the same city as my beau, so there is no reason for him calling me constantly and he only does it when Im blowin him off...so once we identify the problem, we talk and if we work it out, Im glad to hear from him.


Maybe she's over this relationship. I can't see how she needs more space since you are 10 hours away. That's tonnes of space. If she was really in love with you she would want to talk all the time. Maybe she's angry because she had to ASK for the ring, and that you aren't reading her mind (I'll be the first to admit, I get angry when my man doesn't read my mind - so now I just let him in on my feelings because I feel pity for the fool .jk.).


Just ask her straight out "...is there a perticular reason I am annoying you?" or even better, don't call for awhile and wait for her to call. I usually don't call my bf and eventually he calls so maybe it'll work for you too.

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Uh... yeah, I'd agree with CanadianGirl on this (except for the typical "read my mind, I'm your woman!" crap women try to pull over on us guys... one.


This doesn't sound like someone that is really in to you.


I hate saying this, but it even sounds like she wants to get away from the conversation about the both of you, since she might be seeing another guy, and doesn't want to feel guilty about lying straight to you over the phone.


Sorry, I could be totally wrong, but I just had to say it, since it's a possibility... at least a possibility that would go together with how she's acting.


Obviously, that's just my opinion, and could be 100% wrong! So, don't get all worried on me. I just want you to get your defenses up when someone acts weird like this; it's usually a sign to look for...

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