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Deja Vu, Depression, Epilepsy

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I had 2 seizures from July-November last year, of the full-out variety, and after an EEG (sp?) and an MRI was pronounced epileptic. I also had another seizure when I was 14. I'm not on any medication. I also have a comprehensive history of depression, bipolar disorder and severe Depersonalization.


Yesterday evening I was writing an essay on the laptop and reading a messageboard. Suddenly, I felt hot and "weird" and then experienced a minute or so, not just a moment, of deja vu. I "knew" exactly the words I would read and type, I tried to break away from it by turning my head towards the TV show my mother had on, but guess what, I "knew" all that too.


I don't like deja vu anyway, even though i get it at least 2/3 times a week, but those are just moments...3 seconds maximum. This was around a minute in length, and I felt tired afterwards.


A combination of seziure, panic attack and tiredness?


Today I am so scared I'll get this kind of thing more often. Why do I have CONSTANT battles against my mind/brain? I have not had ONE neurotypical day for ..years. Everyday it seems something is wrong, strange, whatever.


Obviously, I have a small background dread of having another typical seizure (especially if I'm on my own - I become completely unconscious then disorientated, and can't walk for half an hour and now this - I was conscious but it was H E L L. I now dread this prolonged deja vu as well, it was horrible, horrible, I'm so unhappy about it.

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Damn you, girl - I want to see you happy and babbling on about your ravenous sex drive!!!


I've read the best part of all of your threads and feel so crap for you.


Deja vu is TRES common but shouldnt leave you feeling bluesy and scared. Is it the concern of what it may lead to, or the fact that you dont have control of your mind at times like that - or something else?


Chin up lass.


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Hi there. Are you under the care of a neurologist?


If so, you should definitely tell him/her about the symptoms you have been experiencing- especially the part about feeling too hot.


A childhood friend of mine was diagnosed with epilepsy. She's in ther late 20's now and she found a combination of medication that worked best for her. She has been seizure free for a long time. Sometimes it takes some experimentation with meds (under the advice of your doctor of course) before you find the right balance.



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