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Alone in pain

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I appreciate everyone that responded to my postings. I saw that over 400 people read my posting and a few responded. I appreciate those of you that reached out to me. I know my problem is an old problem that every has heard a million times... I know now I have lost my ex as I broke the NC and the band says they are going on. I feel so alone and depressed right now but I just needed to let off some of my anguish. I woke up this morning at 1:30 and cried a while. I never did go back to sleep. I'm crying as I write this but as the song goes.. no one knows it but me. My ex actually took my mom to the dentist and then to lunch yesterday with her mom (my mom told me). I can't understand women. Her actions seem to speak just the oppposite of what she says. I guess I just need to struggle through the pain. Why does love have to be so painful?

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The break up is sad enough but you are not playing in you band anymore either that must make things even worse, although I know you did it to stop the pain of seeing your ex. I really don't have any words of wisdom that haven't already been written on these forums, I just want you to know that the feelings you are sharing are so real and so honest, they really are. The fact that you can feel so much and cry indicate your depth as a human being. Why does love have to be so painful? Because for every plus there is a minus and yes love can be painful but remember the bliss? We pay a very high price when we love, we risk our hearts to another. Carl Rogers said "It is risky to live"...I believe this includes "love". When you are feeling a little less sad try to think of all of the positive things you have experienced for having loved this person.

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I don't know your "story" but I do know your pain. I know this doen't help right now but believe me it does get better. I didn't want to hear that when my ex first broke up with me but it is soooo true. I felt the same way as you do now at the beginning. I cried a lot and couldn't sleep. It's been 8 weeks since the break up with no contact and I am feeling much better. I can sleep now and I haven't cried for several weeks. THat does not mean that my feelings for my ex have changed it just means that I took time for myself and healed some. I know it is hard but you can do it too. It's o.k. to grieve some but then you need to force yourself to go out, have fun, exercise and take care of you. IT WILL GET BETTER!!! : )

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