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confusing thing

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maybe too fast? I'm going out on a limb here and relate it to any other nerve in your body... for example, if you keep tapping your hand on your forearm, eventually you will loose sensitivity... so perhaps you are going too fast and numbing it..... if that makes sense.. and i'm not a girl so I'm sure they have better advice for you!!!

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Sometimes - and I'm oversharing here, I know! - if a guy focuses too long on my clitoris, then I can end up becoming numb and horny. It's a weird combination, of wanting to orgasm, but not being able to. That's why foreplay is such a good idea, to get her worked up a LOT before you hone in on the specific area!! I know what your girlfriend means though - it's definitely a physical thing, and for me it's better to work up slow than go straight to the heart of the matter, so to speak. Weird though (and frustrating!)

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