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I got dumped a few weeks back, quite suddenly and surprisingly. It was a LDR and today I am going to be very close to her house...Being christmas and all and since she broke up with me over the phone, I need some support to fight the temptation of an unannounced show up or even being real creepy and leaving a note on her door.....

The temptation is so strong....must fight!

Merry Christamas people.

I really want to drop by her house.


Yeah, I know, what will it accomplish?

It's just that I never knew the last time I saw her, the last time I saw her kitty cats, that it would be the LAST time.

I really think it sucks to break up with someone other than face to face.

Very inconsiderate and rude.

I'm such a sentimental fool, I'd like to just stand there in the quiet street in front of her house and contemplate and see it one last time. Reflect at the old nice house where I fell in love.

I'm getting too old for this....

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It's cool. Just a text. I wish my ex-girl had a comp. or cell so I could communicate less directly and not feel so pent up fighting the urge to call and leave a message. I pissed her off with my blowup the other day, she does not answer anymore.

I can hear her say, "Come on dude, move on!" when she sees my number on caller ID.

I must not contact.

Merry Christmas by the way.


I'm going to take yoga classes next year. Get in touch with self and probably meet a better caliber girl there than at a bar....not that all girls at the bar are bad....but there is no alcohol in a yoga class to impair your judgement.

But most importantly, I must find self and stamp out the fire that makes me angry and blow up when I can't contol things....


2007, a year of discovery!

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